- Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Senator Hatch’s op-ed illustrated in many ways what is wrong with people such as him: those who have no idea what is going on in this country yet have been Washington politicians for decades (“When tough talk roils the decorum of the Senate,” Web July 28). They live in their own little dream world.

First he talks about how the Senate is supposed to be a place where elected officials are representative of the people. Yet both the Senate and the House have abdicated their responsibility to an out-of-control, would-be dictator in the White House. Both the Senate and the House are helping to maintain a vast, arrogant and entrenched bureaucracy of lifetime government employees who work in an alphabet soup of agencies (i.e, IRS, NSA, EPA) that seek control over people’s lives.

The people of this country spoke in November of 2014 when they voted in a Republican majority in the Senate and kept the House Republican. This was supposed to lead to real change. Has Obamacare been rescinded? Has any real repeal of it been put forward? Has Mr. Hatch tried to stop the avalanche of illegals coming into this country? Has he tried to stop the out-of-control spending that has led to huge deficits and debt?

Mr. Hatch speaks of having respect for his Senate colleagues, saying that doing so will lead to deliberative thought on crucial issues. That is a joke. The problem is that Republicans in both chambers are so worried about being perceived as nice and respectful that they let the Democrats run roughshod over you and implement a socialist agenda.

Mr. Hatch speaks of people calling specific colleagues derogatory names, and I am sure he is referring to Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas Republican, calling Sen. Mitch McConnell, Kentucly Republican, a liar. Well, Mr. McConnell is a liar. A Republican senate was supposed to change things, and he has not done what he said he would do. As far as I am concerned, he is no better than Harry Reid.

People such as Mr. Hatch are the problem: long-time politicians, either Republican or Democrat, who have been in office too long and are more worried about being friends with the people “across the aisle” than they are about having the guts to stand up to them.

We need term limits and new blood that will really lead people.


Glen Burnie

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