- The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 4, 2015

“The Algerian,” an Independent production written, directed and produced by Giovanni Zelko is a film with a message, a compelling story and a talented if unknown cast. In that sense it like most Independent productions or, as they’re known in the industry, “Indies.” Like their grownup, big budget cousins, some of them are good and some aren’t worth watching.

Zelko’s falls into the former category. I saw an early cut of the feature some months ago and found it well done, exciting and moving for reasons those who see it after its DC opening on Friday will appreciate; it is definitely worth seeing. The title character is a trained terrorist who is sent to Los Angeles on a mission by Jihadists who spend their days and nights dreaming of taking down the United States, wreaking revenge for the perceived wrongs done them by the west over the centuries and establishing powerful radical world-wide caliphate.

Upon his arrival in Los Angeles, the Algerian meets people he’s never met before and all of them American Muslims, Jews, women and Marines are different than he’s imagined them. Their impact on him and his mission are what the film is all about. The best line in the film from one of his new friends and fellow immigrants is “I love this country and so do you you just don’t know it yet.”

Since I originally saw the film it has won numerous international awards and is now back in finished form. I can’t wait to see it again.

David A. Keene is opinion editor of The Washington Times.

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