- The Washington Times - Tuesday, August 4, 2015

“The rest of the world is laughing at us. They’re dumping their losers on us,” conservative pundit Ann Coulter said at the National Conservative Student Conference this weekend about the influx of immigrants to the United States. “Our country isn’t a battered women’s shelter.”

Ms. Coulter discussed her views on U.S. immigration policy to the college-age audience as outlined in her most recent New York Times best-selling book, “Adios, America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole.”

Ms. Coulter made the argument that the U.S. should call for a complete moratorium on immigration until the government is able to “sort the books” on the illegals already in the country. Then, she said, only immigrants who “make our lives better” should enter the country legally.

“Do you think there’s any other country in the world that’s so stupid to not take the best immigrants it can get? This immigration is a government policy like any other, and it ought to be used to make our lives better, to help the lives of those already living here,” she said.

On the issue of minimum wages, the author and television pundit pointed to the case of Australia, whose minimum hourly wage is $16.88. Ms. Coulter said Canberra is selective as to who can legally become Australian. On the other hand, the world is “dumping low-wage workers on the [U.S.]”

Furthermore, she said, immigrants tend to vote Democratic rather than Republican at a ratio of 8-to-2.

“Americans are going to be outvoted by the foreigners that Democrats have been bringing in to block-vote for them, with their collaboration with the media,” she said.

“[Liberals] are aborting their babies and going gay. They don’t stand a chance against this demographic tsunami without importing foreigners to vote in these elections.

“This is why there is nothing more important than stopping our current immigration policy. At that point, everything else will work itself out.”

As for Ms. Coulter’s outspoken support of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, she said she will remain a “go Trump, go” supporter “as long as he’s good on immigration.”

“He can be for anything on any other issue,” she said. “Just please get the country back to America. If we lose Americans deciding elections, we lose everything.”

Ms. Coulter is also cheering for Hillary Rodham Clinton because she is “fantastic for [the Republican Party]” since she “has no political skills.”

“I think the Democrats are secretly hoping to dump Hillary,” she said. “I think Biden is a much stronger candidate for them.”

Of the former first lady and secretary of state, Ms. Coulter said Mrs. Clinton “basically had appointed positions because she was married to the horny hick.”

Ms. Coulter also spoke kindly of her frenemy, liberal talk show host Bill Maher. She was his most frequent guest on the ABC series “Politically Incorrect,” the second highest rated late-night show of its day. Mr. Maher was fired from the network in 2002 after declaring on his show that the 9/11 hijackers were, despite the horrendous nature of their actions, not cowardly.

Although a convivial relationship between the two seems unlikely, Ms. Coulter said Mr. Maher has “been very good to [me], both professionally and personally.”

Mr. Maher has hosted “Real Time” on HBO since 2003. Ms. Coulter sometimes makes appearances, for which Mr. Maher exhorts his audiences: “Do not boo.”

Although Ms. Coulter and Mr. Maher agree on little, and vocally combat when she appears on his show, the conservative pundit proudly related how Mr. Maher told her: “I made you, babe.”

“He hates his audience even more than I do, so we can bond over that,” she said. “He loves when I attack his audience.”

• Emily Leslie can be reached at eleslie@washingtontimes.com.

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