- Sunday, August 30, 2015

Why does Donald Trump say 11 million illegal aliens must be deported, while others are claiming this would be an impossible task? In fact, there is a solution requiring no deportations, and it’s already law: the Federal Immigration and Nationality Act, Section 8.

Instead of trying to deport 11 million illegal aliens from U.S. soil, why not prosecute those who are breaking federal law by employing or supporting them? If a few examples were made with heavy fines (up to $10,000) or jail time (up to five years imprisonment), employers would again obey the law, jobs for illegals would dry up and the problem of 11 million being here illegally would solve itself. Consider, too, that slumlords and other nefarious types are among those breaking this law — and they aren’t doing so for free.

Democrats and Republicans are both aware of this federal law, but politicians and some in the news media act like they’ve never heard about it. Wouldn’t it be better for Mr. Trump to push this law instead of giving the opposition ammunition by spouting off about deportations, especially when it comes to “anchor babies”?

Unless, of course, Mr. Trump is, in fact, looking for a way out of running for president and is sabotaging his own campaign.


Lambertville, N.J.

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