- Monday, August 3, 2015

Iran has waged war against America since 1979. It has killed more than 500 U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, and many more around the globe. To aid and abet Iran with economic, political and military means and an agreement which helps and encourages its acts of terror and efforts to destroy Israel and America is dangerous appeasement and a sell-out. At the same time, the push to disarm our military, making our country vulnerable to attack and invasion, is difficult to understand. Congress and President Obama must reverse U.S. disarmament to defend against a nuclear sneak attack and maintain military strength that is second-to-none.

The current administration’s plan to reduce our nuclear deterrent by 80 percent, from 1,500 warheads to 300 or less, must be reversed. The elimination of America’s strategic missile defenses and the dismantling of NASA with our ability to operate in space are detrimental. Deep cuts in Navy ships and Army strength — down to 450,000 — must be changed. Russia is building up large forces opposite NATO in Europe.

In addition, Congress must immediately stop funding President Obama’s massive tax dollar giveaways to allegedly moderate Muslims in Syria, the Palestinian territories and the Muslim Brotherhood groups in other countries. Taxpayer money is needed for national defense and for the security of our borders, but it goes instead to Venezuela, Russia and other hostile countries, with a possible $150 billion going to Iran. A rumored new arms-reduction treaty with Russia must be blocked by Congress if that is another bad deal for America.

Further, new legislation is needed to remedy the denial of First Amendment rights to military personnel regarding religion. Committee hearings and investigations should be held looking into the Obama administration’s atheist assault on religious freedom in the military and the effects of social engineering and organized atheism on readiness and morale.


U.S. Marine Corps (retired)


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