- Friday, August 28, 2015

It is no secret that Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is spiraling out of control. With controversy after controversy and an ongoing investigation into her secret email server by the FBI, she is truly unraveling.

New polls show that 61% of Americans do not trust Mrs. Clinton and the top word associated with her name is “liar”. Not good optics for a campaign that is in complete disarray and falling apart at the seams.

Even supporters of Mrs. Clinton as well as top Democrats acknowledge her failings as a candidate and are horrified and perplexed by her inability to explain the email scandal. Instead Mrs. Clinton continues to make less than humorous jokes regarding her possibly criminal behavior. She has proven time and time again that she cannot be trusted with the highest office.

But it’s not all fun and games on the campaign trail; Mrs. Clinton came out swinging against Republicans. She charged that Republicans could be likened to terrorists regarding their pro-life views and their attempts to defund Planned Parenthood in light of unnerving and disturbing videos. Maybe if Mrs. Clinton watched the horrific videos herself she would see just how anti-woman Planned Parenthood is using innocent dead babies as their bottom line.

Not only was Mrs. Clinton out of line to make these comments but has she forgotten that the Clinton Foundation accepted large donations from countries such as Qatar, Kuwait and Oman—places that have serious human rights abuses against women? There is a true and violent war being waged against women in these countries and her faux outrage for political gain is downright despicable. She needs to be held accountable for her own anti-woman record.

It is abhorrent that Mrs. Clinton believes Republicans are setting women back and that they champion an extreme anti-woman agenda when in fact it’s just the opposite. If Mrs. Clinton really wants to be pro-woman, she should start by returning donations to countries that violate women’s rights and are truly oppressive. She needs to condemn these human rights abuses rather than accept donations.

However, the list of hypocrisies doesn’t end there. In fact, Mrs. Clinton’s war on women rhetoric should be called out for what it is, a sham. This February it was reported by the Washington Free Beacon that Mrs. Clinton paid her female staffers 72 cents for every dollar paid to male staffers. While Mrs. Clinton was a senator, the median annual salary for a woman working in Mrs. Clinton’s office was $15,708.38, less than the median salary for a man. She can’t have it both ways—fighting for equal pay for women yet not paying her own female staffers equal to her male staffers.

It is time to expose Hillary Clinton for the hypocrite she truly is and to shed light on her less than stellar record when it comes to women’s issues. Conservatives and liberals alike are growing tired of Clinton’s dishonesty and phoniness—America deserves better, especially women.

Ashley Pratte is a communications consultant in Washington, D.C.

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