- Monday, August 24, 2015

Many of us on the far-right end of the dial have taken up chortling and raucous merriment in response to Hillary Clinton’s plunging poll numbers, rising disapproval ratings and generally dismal summer (“Donald Trump gains ground as support for Hillary Clinton slips,” Web, Aug. 19).

It’s as though our prayers for divine intervention have finally been answered, and Hillary is thus toast. At 66 and counting, this should be her final foray into fraudulent presidential politics and it should rightfully put an end to all that “inevitability” nonsense promulgated by the former secretary of state, her adoring fans in the media and Hollywood witches with far too much time on their hands.

Still, a word of caution is advisable. Much has been written lately about how President Obama has Hillary by the throat and can dispose of this despicable person as he sees fit. However, it is worth noting that Hillary is not without assault weapons of her own. For example, she may be the only living soul who knows exactly where Mr. Obama was and what he was doing on the evening of Sept. 11, 2012, when the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi was attacked by terrorists who killed four U.S. citizens. Where was Mr. Obama? What really happened? Was there a cover-up to protect Mr. Obama in an election year?

Hillary, although a congenital liar and disreputable scalawag could, if she wished, send Mr. Obama and his ’legacy-building’ team into shock with a few explosive morsels leaked to the media hither and yon. She might even know enough to force gutless Republican congresstional critters into impeach-and-remove mode, thereby crushing Mr. Obama’s fairy-tale legacy once and for all.

Has Hillary finally been vanquished? Hope for the best, but do not be surprised if this evil snake bites again.


San Jose, Calif.

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