- Thursday, August 13, 2015

I took special interest in a news story World magazine reported on yesterday about Union University, my alma mater, pulling out of the Council for Christian College and Universities (CCCU).

The reason for the ending of the relationship with the coalition is that two other institutional members of CCCU — Eastern Mennonite University and Goshen College — announced last month that they would allow the hiring of “non-celibate homosexual staff and faculty.”

Dub Oliver, president of Union said, “It grieves us to make this decision as we have been members of the CCCU since 1991 … [but] our faithfulness to the authority of Scripture takes precedence … marriage is at the heart of the Gospel.”

Given the stature and leadership of Union within the council and across the spectrum of evangelical universities, it is expected that this move will have a ripple effect and lead other institutions to follow suit. 

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