- Thursday, August 13, 2015

I find it so difficult to watch the Planned Parenthood videos which reveal Planned Parenthood affiliates as trafficking in baby parts. I am a father who has held my premature baby as well as my other full-term newborns, and that has left me with a sense of wonder for the little ones and a need to protect them. Every father of a preemie feels this way. They are meant to be protected. The Planned Parenthood officials I saw on those videos, exposed as the most heinous exploiters who sell baby parts for profit, make my fists clench and my eyes well. Despicable.

So, now we know exactly who they are: Planned Parenthood is a “baby parts seller.” That’s who they are. But what about us? Who are we? When those of us who believed Planned Parenthood racist in origin and homicidal in conduct raised our voices in protest against support for Planned Parenthood, we were dismissed with a message like this: “Yes, they do abortions but their main focus is women’s health. Only someone who hates women would fail to support those services.” With this distinction readily offered and accepted, groups liketThe United Way, Komen Race for the Cure, and the Girls Scouts along with corporations like Coca-Cola and Starbucks partnered with Planned Parenthood arguing that they were helping with the other services and not complicit with abortion.

Today, after the videos and all they show, there can be no doubt: Anyone who supports Planned Parenthood in any way - whether volunteer, financial or otherwise - is complicit with the evil of selling baby parts. Planned Parenthood has revealed who they are. They have been stripped of their false halo and exposed. All men and women of goodwill - even those who defend abortion - must rise up now and say unequivocally that we will not be complicit for one day more. No tax dollars, no support, no good will, nothing.

Abortion was sold in the 1970s as a simple medical procedure removing a clump of cells. As technology progressed, that old argument was proven false. Today we have learned the truth, and can no longer pretend the procedure is simple, or about the health of women. The horror of Kermit Gosnell and his clinic in Philadelphia shows us what happens when our government hides behind the term “women’s health.” The videos explaining Planned Parenthood prove this isn’t one doctor gone bad. It’s an industry built to profit on baby parts. We are faced with a choice: Will we investigate the truth of Planned Parenthood, or will we turn our faces from evil and hide behind the political mantra of “women’s health?”

We are all complicit in this. Planned Parenthood is funded by the federal government and spends tens of millions each election cycle to maintain that funding. I can be complicit no more. There is no wiggle room for people of good will. There is one defensible answer. I pray that every American shouts it to the heavens.

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