- Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Iran sanctions work, and if necessary they and a show worldwide of U.S. military and economic strength must be increased. The liberal-left, anti-war withdrawal strategy of President Barack Obama and the Democrats has not and will not stop the Iran ballistic-missile and nuclear-warhead program. It does not stop Iran from taking over the Middle East, gobbling up Iraq and Yemen, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza. It does not stop Iran from endangering Israel or the Arab states, nor does it halt Russian expansion.

America must never abandon the Middle East or make the strategic mistake of withdrawal in favor of U.N. inspectors and promises that are not worth the paper they are written on. Iran must never be trusted to protect U.S. interests. America has to reestablish its world leadership and rebuild its economic power. The six-year average growth rate of 2.5-percent GDP should have been at least 4.5 percent; it is the slowest recovery since World War II, hobbled by high corporate taxes, reckless regulation and obstruction of energy independence.

The policies of President Obama, which have been described as criminally naive, must be curtailed. Unnecessary troop cuts and destructive social engineering of the military, which limit our ability to respond to world crises and conduct more than one war at a time, have to be reversed. The Obama withdrawals have created the perception of weakness by enemies and allies alike, bringing America to the brink of a possible nuclear disaster from ballistic missiles or other delivery means and potential conventional high-intensity conflict.

We must unleash the great power of our free-market, capitalist economy and reestablish our world leadership. We must keep sanctions on Iran, and use necessary military and economic power, to stop Tehran’s nuclear programs from taking over the Middle East.


U.S. Marine Corps (retired)


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