- Thursday, April 23, 2015

In his recent op-ed,”To run toward the breach — or to run away” (Web, April 21), Clifford May notes that the critical issue in President Obama’s Iran deal is whether Congress will allow it to compromise America’s sovereignty. It is shocking that this should even be a matter of choice.

Mr. Obama is determined to destroy the United States. His biggest and probably most direct way is the deal he is attempting to make with Iran. He is so bent on dismantling this nation that he will facilitate his goal, through abject subjugation, by appeasing our greatest enemy.

The only protection this nation has at this point is Congress. There should be no question as to what it must do. It is inconceivable that this is even a matter of debate. Congress has stood by and allowed Mr. Obama to usurp its power; it has refused to use any of its powers to stop him. Congress’ surrender to Mr. Obama is what is fueling this so-called deal with Iran. As Mr. Obama prostrates himself before Iran so the American Congress is prostrating itself before him.

The American people need to exercise their leverage with Congress. It is time to get in congressional members’ faces. Let them know that they will be out of a job if they do not do the will of the people. The citizens must do this before Mr. Obama continues his unconstitutional immigration policies and dilutes the power of their vote.

Why have the American people not acted thus far? Largely because the media is acting as Mr. Obama’s handmaiden and failing to inform the populace of the atrocities being committed upon their rights and ultimately upon them. There are some who are in denial or simply refuse to see the truth, but others are simply unaware that their world is being destroyed around them. The media and academia have a duty they are not doing. However, the biggest villain in this play is Congress.

As Lincoln said, it is to be determined “whether a nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.” Unless Congress does its duty, the answer to that question will be no.


Silver Spring

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