- The Washington Times - Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Former Massachusetts Gov. and 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney says Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid was more of an “impediment” than someone who got things done in Washington and said he’s “delighted” that Mr. Reid is retiring after his current term.

“I wish Harry a very comfortable retirement,” Mr. Romney said Tuesday evening on Fox News’ “Hannity” progam. “I’m delighted that he’s going to be retiring. I’m hopeful that the new leadership on the Democratic side of the aisle is actually willing to work together across the aisle and work with the White House and get some stuff done — trade promotion authority would be one of the things I’d like to see get done.”

Mr. Romney was asked if he had anything to say to Mr. Reid in light of the Nevada Democrat’s insisting during the 2012 campaign that Mr. Romney hadn’t paid taxes for 10 years — a claim rated “Pants on Fire” by the fact-checking website Politifact.

Mr. Reid recently told Fusion that “of course” Mr. Romney paid taxes, but that the former governor wouldn’t release his tax returns and that he had no apologies for Mr. Romney. As Mr. Romney alluded to, Mr. Reid has also been opposed to granting President Obama trade promotion authority, which would require Congress to vote up or down on a new trade deal with Pacific Rim nations without amending it.

“There’s a lot that has to get done in Washington, and I think Harry was more of an impediment than someone making things happen, so Harry, good luck. Good luck,” Mr. Romney said.

• David Sherfinski can be reached at dsherfinski@washingtontimes.com.

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