- The Washington Times - Monday, April 20, 2015


Once again, it’s time to check off some items on my “TIDU List” — Things I Don’t Understand:

Why coach Randy Wittman waited so long.

Paul Pierce played just 4 percent of his regular-season minutes at power forward, even though he was outstanding there with the Brooklyn Nets. But in Game 1 of the Wizards’ series against Toronto, Pierce spent extended portions of his 36 minutes at the four, a key to Washington’s win. He had a game-high 20 points and was 4-for-7 on 3-pointers.

Maybe Wittman’s coaching chops become sharper in the postseason.

How the Capitals have failed to capitalize.

The franchise has gone from Young Guns to Semi-Old Hammers with Alex Ovechkin and Nicklas Backstrom on the marquee. But the era has little to show besides a bevy of awards for goals and points. Down two games to one against the Islanders, the Caps could face their fourth first-round exit in seven postseason trips with the dynamic duo.

Overall, this thrilling experience has been a dud.

Why April is so brutal for Ian Desmond.

With eight errors in 13 games, the Nationals’ shortstop is on pace for 100, which would be the most since Joe Sullivan’ 102 with the White Sox in 1893. Desmond won’t come close — his career high is 34 — but he’ll be glad when May arrives. He had a stretch of eight errors in 12 games last April, a notoriously rough month for him.

At least it’s not affecting him at the bank … er, the plate.

How spring football became so huge.

Granted, there probably isn’t much to do in some college towns, which could explain Nebraska drawing 76,881 fans this month for its spring football game. Alabama has attracted 90,000-plus since Nick Saban arrived. But Ohio State drew 99,391 on Saturday, breaking the record it set in 2009. “I was shocked,” safety Tyvis Powell told Yahoo! Sports. “That’s ridiculous.”

I second that emotion.

Why Aaron Hernandez was dead set on thuggery.

Calling the former Patriots tight end a knucklehead is too kind. When you’re 25 years old with a $40 million contract, Super Bowl ring, fiance and baby daughter, knuckleheadedness falls far short of murder. Smoking weed, brawling at a bar or being overly aggressive with women would be fit, but separate trials for a homicide and a double homicide is maniacal.

With two clear paths to choose, Hernandez ran the wrong route.

How Floyd Mayweather skirts fallout for his rap sheet.

Mayweather has been money in the ring, 47-0, and on ledger sheets, with more than $400 million in career earnings. But arguably his slickest manuever has been the defense exhibited outside the ropes. Aside from serving 60 days of a 90-day sentence in the summer of 2012, Mayweather has avoided repercussions from his lengthy list of domestic abuse allegations. He’ll reap boxing’s richest payday next week against Manny Pacquiao.

Mayweather gives new meaning to “hit and don’t get hit.”

Why coach Chip Kelly has to be the smartest guy in the room.

The Eagles are signing Tim Tebow, who’s trying to become a productive NFL player on his fourth try. It didn’t work out for him in New England, where the head coach is no dummy, but Kelly is determined to prove that his outside-the-box thinking is a superior approach. When 31 teams conclude that Tebow isn’t NFL-material, Philly’s coach sees it as challenge.

But with his shaky credibility, Kelly has nothing to lose.

How Adrian Peterson can be all-in with the Vikings.

Minnesota is eager to welcome back the All-Pro but the feeling isn’t mutual. Peterson, who was suspended for child abuse and missed the final 15 games last season, wants a fresh start. “It might be best for all parties involved for him to resume his career elsewhere,” agent Ben Dogra told reporters last month. Bad memories outweigh the good times at this point.

Too bad Peterson is so great, which is the Vikings’ only concern.

Why the Seahawks are playing chicken.

Russell Wilson has reached two Super Bowls in his first three seasons. Trent Dilfer led Baltimore to a Super Bowl, too, so there’s something to be said for a stout defense and ground game. Still, Wilson is only 26 and we’d expect Seattle to lock him up ASAP. But the Seahawks have insinuated they might let him walk instead of paying him like a franchise QB.

Washington’s general manager would welcome a reunion!

How Britt McHenry could be so ugly.

Advanced Towing sounds like a despicable outfit that engages in predatory business practices, but that’s no excuse to tongue-lash a clerk who’s trying to make ends meet without the benefit of an ESPN salary. The TV reporter blamed her viral tirade on “an intense and stressful moment,” but the level of venomous insults suggests she has a severe superiority complex and grave deficiencies in courtesy, respect and decency.

All the makeup and hairspray in the world can’t conceal those traits.

• Deron Snyder can be reached at deronsnyder@gmail.com.

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