- Monday, September 8, 2014

Can someone please explain to me why the Labor Department announced the August unemployment rate at 6.1 percent, yet soon after economists and pundits repudiated this number by saying the “real” unemployment rate is at 12 percent?

In his brilliant 2011 book, “Time to Get Tough,” Donald Trump explains the Obama administration’s deceptiveness in not including in the statistics the people who gave up looking for work. Not only that, but because they are not counted, the Obama administration considers these downtrodden, unemployed workers as employed. Hence the need for the “real” statistics to counter the fake “Obamanomics” numbers.

Why do we put up with this duplicitous nonsense from our government? Why is everything about Mr. Obama turning out to be a massive fraud? Mr. Obama told us we could keep our doctors and health insurance plans — only to find out he was lying through his teeth. He told us al Qaeda was on the run, then his administration blamed the Benghazi terrorist attack on some obscure video and embarked on a shameful, massive cover-up.

His foreign policy is the laughingstock of the world after he was sold to us as a savior who would heal the world. When is this real 12-percent unemployment nightmare going to end?

I have an idea: The Obama administration comes to a merciful end on Jan. 20, 2017. How about making the “real” date tomorrow?


Medford, N.Y.

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