- The Washington Times - Thursday, September 4, 2014

Sen. Tom Coburn said it’s high time states exercised their Article V powers to hold a convention and change the Constitution — and he’s vowing to spend full-time hours pushing for the cause once he retires in a few months.

“I think [George] Mason was prophetic that we would devolve to where the federal government became too powerful, too big and too unwieldy,” Mr. Coburn told The Hill. “That’s why he put Article V in.”

Article V allows for states to call a convention to propose amendments to the Constitution if two-thirds agree to the action. While clear-cut, the power’s never been successfully exercised.

The Constitution’s 17 amendments since 1791 all started in the Senate, and were then sent to the states for ratification.

But the gridlock in Washington has gotten to the point where Mr. Coburn said little of value is being accomplished for the voter — and a convention of the states could push action along.

“I think we ought to have a balanced budget amendment,” Mr. Coburn said, The Hill reported. “I think we ought to have term limits. I think we ought to put a chokehold on regulation and re-establish the powers of the Congress.”

Legislatures in Florida, Georgia and Alaska have already signed on to the idea of a convention to deal with budget matters and term limits, The Hill reported. And conservative radio talk hosts Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin have also thrown their backing to the cause.

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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