- Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pigs must be flying because I can’t believe what I’m about to say. We need to rally behind this president before World War III breaks out. Now hold on, hear me out before you hit the comment button to tell me what a dolt I am. Bear with me and read the entire column, please.

President Obama’s delayed response to ISIS has put the United States in an impossible situation. We’re backed into a corner, looking weak, divided and leaderless. To terrorists, this presents an opportunity for extreme bloodshed before we elect a new president.

ISIS fighters can terrorize their neighbors into submission because the United States won’t fight back. They can point to Afghanistan as an example of America’s selfish betrayal, and whisper in others’ ear that we really don’t love them, and convince them to use our own weaponry against us.

The United States is a house divided and the world is watching. We’re on the brink of losing our allies while countries like Iran and Russia continue to join forces, culminating into a major existential threat. The only way to mitigate this is to present a united front. We, as a nation, must find a way to show support for the office of the president without endorsing Mr. Obama’s destructive agenda.

Launching airstrikes over Syria was like taking the last tile out of a Jenga tower, one more wrong move and the entire structure will collapse. Only, this isn’t a game. And what’s about to collapse is Western civilization.

Earlier this year, plans were made to shrink the U.S. army to the smallest it’s been since World War II. Is now really the time to shrink defense? Congress can stop this.

Mr. Obama still plans to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, even though U.S. withdrawal will escalate violence as it did in Iraq and Syria. Again, Congress can stop this.

Outgoing Afghan President Hamid Karzai called America’s mission in his country a “betrayal,” claiming Afghans died in a war that was not theirs. What message does this send to the Syrian rebels we’re about to arm?

Meanwhile, we’re trying desperately to create nuclear diplomacy (whatever that is) with Iran before yet another deadline passes on Nov. 24. However, we gave them the upper hand when we begged for help with ISIS and they shot us down.

This summer, when Iran blatantly ignored deadlines for a nuclear deal, we eased up on sanctions against them. Why would they cooperate now when violating deadlines has worked in their favor? They see no need to further explain their nuclear capabilities. Iran is sticking to the claim that its uranium is for energy. Sure, and Bill Maher’s pot is for medicine.

So, Russia will continue with its plan to build yet another nuclear reactor in Iran … for energy. The two countries will continue to exchange spent fuel … for recycling. It’s just a coincidence that spent fuel can be reprocessed into weapons-grade plutonium.

This past July, Russia blatantly violated a U.N. arms treaty by testing a ground-launched cruise missile. Russia is also rebuilding its military base in Cuba. Just 90 miles off the coast of the United States, Cuba is the perfect launching pad for cruise missiles.

Is anyone else connecting these dots?

Last year, Cuba was caught trying to smuggle Soviet-era arms into North Korea. Meanwhile, Iran, North Korea and Syria have had this bizarre nuclear love triangle going on for decades. According to congressional intelligence reports, Syria relies heavily on Iran and North Korea for its missile program. And now, after Iran rejected the U.S. request for help, UK Prime Minister David Cameron is seeking its assistance in Syria. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is said to have voiced concerns for the safety of Syrian President Bashar Assad and tweeted that his meeting with David Cameron was a “constructive engagement.”

Recap: The United States is providing weapons to the Syrian rebels who are fighting both the Assad regime and the Islamic State terrorists. Iran wants to protect the Assad regime. Russia is arming the Assad regime. Russia doesn’t really like the United States and has a strong nuclear partnership with Iran, which is part of a nuclear love triangle with North Korea and Syria. The United States and the United Kingdom stooped to a new level of naivete and asked Iran to help fight the Islamic State in Syria. Iran was more concerned about the safety of the Assad regime than allying with superpowers.

If this is confusing, get out a pen and paper and make a diagram connecting these dots. What you’ll get is a picture of one major global nuclear disaster.

You could dismiss all this as hyperbole. You could point to congressional reports that say, despite significant missile cooperation among these nations, there’s no grave threat because individually they do not have all the components to comprise a nuclear threat. You could say their cooperation with each other is just for diplomacy, or energy. But then, you probably also believe that there is not a smidgen of corruption at the IRS simply because the White House said so.

Hey, America, snap out of it! Start acting like a superpower again. Force Congress to show some backbone and flex those checks and balances.

Congressional pressure will force Mr. Obama to at least pretend to be a tough, patriotic leader. We will appear as a united front.

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