- Tuesday, September 16, 2014

President Obama’s strategy for dealing with the Islamic State is as obvious as it is moronic from a military standpoint. He will conduct a delaying action with airstrikes until the next administration takes office, then will blame the inevitability of sending in ground troops on everyone but himself.

In announcing his intended actions against the Islamic State, Mr. Obama did exactly what he has done from Day One of his presidency: Tell our enemies exactly what he will do, tie the hands of a military he has deliberately degraded, and ignore the advice of military people who actually know what they are doing.

Had Mr. Obama taken action more than a year ago when the threat from the Islamic State, aka ISIS, became evident, perhaps the inevitability of ground troops at some point wouldn’t be required. But the “procrastinator in chief” had more pressing matters on his plate: fundraisers, celebrity parties, lavish vacations and, most importantly, golf.

Here’s a winning strategy for you, Mr. President: Pretend that the Islamic State is a conservative group of Americans and attack them with the military as viciously as you have attacked conservative groups verbally and with the full weight of every government agency and news service at your command.


Westerly, R.I.

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