- Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Let’s give President Obama a well-deserved A+ for his record on black-white race relations.

All for consistency.

The president has held the same views on race for much of his life, and he has never waffled nor hidden them.

Let’s begin with the basketball team in his rich, white, private high school. The coach denied him his rightful place in the starting lineup because of racism. “I might not get the breaks on the team that some guys get, but they play like white boys do,” the future president explained in “Dreams From My Father.” “I don’t play that way.”

Mr. Obama’s white grandmother did: She was a “typical white person” with racism “bred into” her, he explained in 2008. “That’s just the nature of race in our society.”

Mr. Obama’s race-based worldview was fully developed by 1990, when he introduced the late Derrick Bell, law professor and godfather of racial grievance, at a meeting of black students at Harvard Law School, where he joined Bell in calling for the hiring of more black professors.

Bell is known as the creator of “critical race theory” (CRT), which says three things: One, white racism is everywhere. Two, white racism is permanent. Three, white racism explains everything.

Any disparity between whites and blacks in education, income, basketball teams, whatever, is the result of white privilege. And here is the neatest twist of all: The more you deny it, the more you are guilty of it.

That is CRT. Mr. Obama ate it up. Let’s give him another A+ — this one for learning what he was taught.

The president’s appointees embraced his relentlessly racial vision with enthusiasm. None more than Attorney General Eric Holder.

Mr. Holder started his term with the famous “nation of cowards” speech in front of black employees of the Department of Justice during Black History Month, less than a month after the president took office in 2009.

“Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial, we have always been and we — I believe continue to be in too many ways essentially a nation of cowards,” he said.       

Here’s what Mr. Holder meant: White people are not brave enough to admit their own racism, the damage it has done and the privilege their race has bestowed on them.

Again: Pure critical race theory — except for Mr. Obama and his minions, it is not a theory anymore. It is a practice.

There was nothing cowardly about the way Mr. Holder pursued Mr. Obama’s dreams of using government to effect racial transformation:

Voter ID? Racist.

District attorneys dragging their heels on indicting and convicting George Zimmerman? And now Ferguson police office Darren Wilson? Racist.

And remember the New Black Panther Party threatening white people at Philadelphia polls in 2008? No big deal, Mr. Holder told a congressional committee. And anyone who disagrees “does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line, who risked all, for my people,” said Mr. Holder.

My people? Critical race theory.

Christian Adams was a DOJ attorney who saw it from the inside. He documented this and tons more in his book “Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department.”

There is a book about the hyper-race consciousness in every layer of government waiting to be written. What about the Army? Remember the new manual they drafted?

“Simply put, a healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian male receives many unearned advantages of social privilege, whereas a black, homosexual, atheist female in poor health receives many unearned disadvantages of social privilege,” a statement in the manual read.

Whites are an “empowered group,” explained the manual in a chapter called “Power and Privilege.” And soldiers should “assume racism is everywhere, every day” and “notice code words for race.”

A U.S. Army manual channeling Derrick Bell? Didn’t see that one coming.

Schools are another major battleground for government-mandated racial transformation. The Department of Education has declared that any disparity between white and black students is because of racism. Mostly from too many white teachers who punish black students too much and teach them too little.

The president promised to fix that problem with an executive order to put more black teachers in the classroom. While they wait for for that to happen, investigators from the Education and Justice Departments are descending on hundreds of school districts throughout the country to let them know there is a new sheriff in town with a new message for teachers: Racial disparity of any kind for any reason is dangerous to their careers.

Investors Business Daily figured it out as well as anyone. “In 2011, the Education Department accused the Los Angeles Unified School District of discriminating against black boys, who were suspended for bad behavior at a disproportionate rate,” a July editorial noted. “The agency ordered it to reduce suspensions in the hopes that unruly minority students would stay in school and graduate.”

The schools soon graduated from semi-disorganized to full-blown chaotic, IBD explained:


While suspensions may be down at LAUSD, student violence and misconduct are not. Offenders just aren’t being sent home at the same rate they were before the federal order. And they’re getting younger and bolder.

Last week I was terrified and bullied by a fourth-grade student,” a teacher at an urban L.A. school said. “The black student told me to ‘back off, bitch.’ I told him to go to the office, and he said, ‘No, bitch, and you and no one can make me.’”


White and Asian teachers are no longer safe in their own classrooms. And their black students are often considerate enough to put it on video.  Here are a few.

This is happening in your school district or one near you. Right now.

And so is federal support for Glenn Singleton’s Courageous Conversations teacher training, which shows white teachers how to recognize their own racism and the damage it does to black students.

They are not hiding it.

This is a long list: The Environmental Protection Agency has made “environmental justice” on behalf of black people a priority.

The Secretary of Labor loves to tell people that black students in Mississippi go to jail for wearing the wrong color socks. All because they are black. That is not true. But that hardly matters.

Let’s close in Ferguson, Missouri. Soon after a white cop shot Michael Brown and touched off ten days of riots and looting, DOJ community organizers were on the scene — advising the local yokels how to get justice. Three members of the White House staff attended Brown’s funeral. The president even took this story of relentless racial grievance to the United Nations. 

“I know the world also took notice of the small American city of Ferguson, Missouri — where a young man was killed, and a community was divided,” the president said in his September address to the U.N. General Assembly. “So yes, we have our own racial and ethnic tensions.”

And the wildly disproportionate black mob violence and black on white crime vividly and meticulously documented in my book “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It”?

I’ll get back to you on that one.

From the beginning of his career, this president has been open and honest about how he sees the world through a lens coated with racism. Even when he threw Reverend Wright under the bus in his so-called “Philadelphia speech,” he did not waver:


In the white community, the path to a more perfect union means  acknowledging that what ails the African-American community does not just exist in the minds of black people; that the legacy of discrimination — and current incidents of discrimination, while less overt than in the past — are real and must be addressed.


Pure critical race theory in action. The president said he was going govern that way. He did. For that he gets top marks.

If this comes as a surprise to you, then you were not paying attention. That is hardly his fault. You get the  F.

 Award-winning writer Colin Flaherty is the author of “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence and How the Media Ignore It.” 

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