- Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Virginia Sen. Mark Warner’s recent attack on challenger Ed Gillespie as just “another partisan warrior” rings hollow when one considers Mr. Warner’s silence on the same topic when Terry McAuliffe was the Democratic candidate for governor.

Mr. Warner contends that Mr. Gillespie’s prior role as the chairman of the Republican National Committee translates into a partisanship that would make him a poor candidate for office. However, Mr. Warner’s silence during last year’s gubernatorial campaign on Mr. McAuliffe’s identical role with the Democratic National Committee from 2001 to 2005 — not to mention his role as co-chairman of Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign and chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2008 — demonstrates that there is little substance to his current attack on Mr. Gillespie.


Owings Mills, Md.

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