- Sunday, October 5, 2014

By all accounts, this year is going to be a good year for the Republican Party.

That is if the GOP does not blow it.

Anyone who has spent any time at all around Republican politics knows that no one should ever underestimate the power of the Republican Party to blow an election. Just look at 2012. That was the year that any Republican not named Mitt Romney could have blown Barack Obama’s re-election bid out of the water. And everyone knows what happened.

Experts are predicting the GOP should pick up 10 seats in the House and not only have a majority in the Senate but actually have as much as a 10-vote majority.

There is a way the GOP could do even better than that. They could even pick up some races that are considered long shots right now, like the Virginia Senate race between Ed Gillespie and Obama favorite, Sen. Mark Warner, a Democrat.

For years, Republican consultants, such as Karl Rove, have told Republican candidates to run content-free campaigns. They tell Republicans don’t be controversial and whatever they do, don’t run on conservative issues.

That ignores the fact that the only time the Republicans have won big in the last generation, 1980, 1994 and 2012, Republican candidates ran on being conservative.

There is one issue that works this cycle.

This is an issue that reaches all voters and that the Democrats are incredibly vulnerable on.

It is Ebola.

The prospect of an Ebola pandemic scares the hell out of a lot of Americans. The Obama regime has done everything possible to bring Ebola to this nation. From bringing victims to America, when they could have been treated in other places, to not stopping direct flights from Ebola nations to America. The regime will not cancel visas being held by people in Ebola hot zone nations.

Democrats will politicize any issue, so no issue should be off limits to Republicans and Ebola is an issue that affects every American.

In Virginia, Mr. Gillespie, who is closing in the polls, should mention Ebola, incumbent Warner and Barack Obama in every speech he makes. He should run non-stop commercials tying Mr. Warner to the Obama regime and Ebola.

Last year, when Ken Cuccinelli, the gubernatorial candidate in Virginia, quit running a content-free campaign and started hitting Terry McAuliffe on Obamacare, his numbers rose dramatically. By running on a powerful issue, Mr. Cuccinelli closed the gap without the benefit of TV advertising.

In Colorado, Cory Gardner has a slight lead over incumbent Democrat Mark Udall. This is despite the millions Tom Steyer and other far-left-wing billionaires are spending to help Mr. Udall keep his seat. Mr. Udall is depending on the millions from the radical billionaires who support expensive wind energy to keep him in office.

Ebola changes that.

No one cares about how much electricity costs if you aren’t alive to pay the bill.

Mr. Gardner should tie Mr. Udall to Obama and Ebola in every speech he makes and every commercial he runs.

Ebola is a real threat to America. The policies of the Obama regime have made it possible for Ebola to come to America and are now setting the stage for the very real possibility that Americans will die from Ebola.

All is fair in love, war and politics. The Democrats created this problem.

It is time the Republicans made them own it.

And when they do, they win.

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