- The Washington Times - Friday, October 31, 2014

The New York State Democratic Committee issued a thinly veiled warning to fellow party members, saying bluntly that those who don’t vote in Tuesday’s elections will be outed.

“Who you vote for is your secret,” the committee said in a letter to voters, the New York Post reported. “But whether or not you vote is public record. We will be reviewing voting records … to determine whether you joined your neighbors who voted in 2014.”

The letter wraps with this stark message, the New York Post reported: “If you do not vote this year, we will be interested to hear why not.”

Democratic voters aren’t taking kindly to the message.

“It’s a threatening letter,” said one Democratic consultant, decrying the call-to-arms attempt by the committee, the New York Post said. “It’s a scare piece that is unnecessary and inappropriate.”

Others were furious.

“I’m outraged,” said one Manhattan voter, complaining to a local Democratic Party official, the New York Post reported. “Whether I vote or not is none of your business. … The letter is ludicrous and menacing.”

The woman also said that she received from the committee a print-out report of her voting record, showing that she had missed two of the last four elections, the New York Post found.

The committee sent the notices to about a million Democrats who hadn’t voted in previous midterms, the New York Post reported. But committee officials said the blunt talk was necessary.

“This flier is part of the nationwide Democratic response to traditional Republican voter-suppression efforts because Democrats believe our democracy works better when more people vote, not less,” said committee spokesman Peter Kauffmann, in the New York Post. “The difference between Democrats and Republicans is they don’t want people to vote and we want everyone to vote.”

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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