- Thursday, October 30, 2014

In “Israel and the war of words” (Commentary, Oct. 29), Clifford May gives a detailed example of how the Jewish state is being demonized by American media bias. He lists the four changes made by Associated Press editors, forced by alert readers on social media, before correctly and without bias headlining the story about the Palestinian terrorist killing-by-car of an Israeli infant and young woman, and the injury of eight others.

However, Mr. May missed an opportunity to give similar detail on the inadequate and biased media coverage of the Israeli Defense Forces’ response to Hamas’ missile attacks and building of attack tunnels.

Media coverage has led to the urban legend that Israeli attacks on Gaza deliberately killed far too many civilians. That Hamas deliberately positioned missile launchers on apartment buildings and near schools and hospitals has been documented by some, including the United Nations. Hamas also stored weapons in schools and hospitals, and built a command center under a major hospital. These Hamas actions received little attention from the media, which instead concentrated on the killing of Hamas’ human-shield civilians to demonize Israel with a false urban legend.

At the same time, Hamas diverted resources to terrorist missiles and terrorist-attack tunnels, resources that could instead have been used to improve life for Gaza residents.

To paraphrase for Palestinians an American election slogan: It’s Hamas, stupid.


Potomac Falls

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