- Thursday, October 30, 2014

If you ever want to find the most entitled people in the world, look no further than your average liberal.

After all, the rules don’t apply to them.

Just ask nurse Kaci Hickox.

Ms. Hickox is the nurse who works for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and also volunteered for the group Doctors Without Borders, though they apparently had the good sense to turn her down.

Ms. Hickox went to West Africa to help those suffering with Ebola. However laudable her original motives may have been, she has shown herself to be a self-centered, self-entitled liberal who doesn’t think the rules apply to her. According to GotNews.com, Ms. Hickox is a registered Democrat and an Obama supporter.

Ms. Hickox was quarantined in New Jersey when she returned from Africa. Oh the horror! She can’t go get sushi on demand now. New Jersey sought to impose a 21-day quarantine on her to make certain she was not infectious. The problem with liberals is they are more important than anyone else and she would not allow anyone or anything interfere with her important social life.

As soon as she was placed in quarantine, she began threatening to sue. Barack Obama, whose every action seems to indicate that he wants an Ebola pandemic in America, jumped to her aid. Both New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie stood resolute on their plans to quarantine people.

Then, Mr. Obama started the arm twisting. Suddenly Messrs. Cuomo and then Christie relented. Ms. Hickox was released and allowed to go to Maine, where she announced she would not self-quarantine.

Who cares if another American gets Ebola as long as she can go out and get her triple-shot, extra-large caramel latte?

Maine’s governor, Paul LePage, has more courage than Mr. Christie and he isn’t backing down. He’s working with the state health department to enforce a quarantine on Ms. Hickox, who immediately whined and said she would sue if Mr. LePage tried to protect the citizens of Maine.

It is simply incomprehensible that the Obama regime opposes quarantines of people who could be carrying Ebola. It is as if he wants the pandemic to occur. Given his hatred for America, that might be exactly what is going on.

Ms. Hickox is a far-left-wing Democrat. She is also in serious need of a Copernican Revolution.

The world does not revolve around her.

American military personnel are being sent to West Africa to do something. No one is really quite sure but they are all undergoing a 21-day quarantine.

And none of them is complaining.

In 1918, Spanish flu raged across the world. At one point, Spanish flu was killing more American soldiers than the Germans were. When the Spanish flu made its appearance at an Army post in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the base commander imposed a quarantine and broke the back of the influenza outbreak. He received a commendation for his work.

The commander was then-Maj. Dwight Eisenhower.

Quarantines work. Why the far left is so opposed to quarantines is a mystery that rates right along side the location of Jimmy Hoffa’s body. Why the leader of a nation or someone in the medical professional would want to spread this disease is simply beyond comprehension.

Allowing potentially infectious people to wander around, spreading Ebola is an insane policy.

But then again, liberalism is a mental illness.

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