- Thursday, October 23, 2014

Our nation is in serious trouble. We have a credibility crisis, unresolved scandals and little government transparency. Our government has become dysfunctional. We are now more polarized than at any time in our history — along the lines of class, sex, race and religion.

We have a president who uses every opportunity at his disposal to attack and demonize Republicans. Our military is being weakened in the face of increased threats from a radical Islam intent on world domination. The national debt is nearing $18 trillion with unfunded government liabilities of $100 trillion. We no longer have secure borders. Voter integrity is questionable.

President Obama is the epitome of the adage “incompetence breeds incompetence.” We see appointees and advisers ill-equipped to perform in their assigned roles, chosen on the basis of their political allegiances, not capability or experience. This is a president who states he will go around Congress and is openly waiting until after the November elections to use his presidential power to take actions directly opposed by a majority of Americans. These actions include granting amnesty to more than 10 million illegals, implementing more costly Obamacare regulations and doing everything in his power to avoid letting Congress vote on an agreement with Iran over Tehran’s nuclear program.

Most Democrats in Congress are following this president over the cliff, lemming-style. By not speaking out or taking action, they are putting their loyalty to a narcissistic president ahead of their loyalty to the nation. Will we survive another two years of an unfettered Mr. Obama using his pen and his phone to bypass the Constitution and Congress? Or will the American people take action as envisioned by our Founding Fathers, to restore the power of the people over the power of the government?

This action has to take place this November — through the election of a huge majority of non-Democrats to Congress. Such a Congress must be willing and able to pass tough legislation to blunt further damage to our nation, defund programs initiated through executive orders and override any expected veto. This can be done by voting and keeping in mind two critical words: veto-proof. To do otherwise is to gamble with the future of this wonderful nation of ours.



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