- The Washington Times - Thursday, October 23, 2014

A conservative columnist-turned-author is calling on southern states to secede from the rest of the nation and form their own country, called Reagan.

Douglas MacKinnon, who served as a speechwriter for former President Reagan and former President George H.W. Bush, made a guest appearance on “The Janet Mefferd Show” to promote his newly released, “The Secessionist States of America: The Blueprint for Creating a Traditional Values Country … Now,” Right Wing Watch first reported.

During the show, he said that Florida, Georgia and South Carolina ought to lead the charge of leaving the United States and forming an overtly Christian-based government, with other states to eventually follow, Raw Story reported.

“A growing number of our leaders seem determined to erase our borders,” he said in one recent column, Raw Story reported, “[to] do away with the rule-of-law, expand the nanny state into a theology, bankrupt or punish American companies in the name of fighting climate change, do away with the Second Amendment, censor or demonize the history of western civilization and replace it with multiculturalism, give every kid a trophy and turn them into wimps … and attack all faith in God with a particular and unhinged bias against the Christian faith.”

On the radio show, he argued that the South had actually seceded “legally” and “peacefully” in the lead-up to the Civil War, but that “President Lincoln waged an illegal war,” Raw Story reported.

The segue to his book: “[So] what we’re talking about in this book now [is] … peacefully, legally and constitutionally leaving the union,” Mr. MacKinnon said, Raw Story reported.

And the newly formed country’s new name?

Reagan, he said — at least until member states could vote and settle on an agreed name, Raw Story reported.

“I simply want those who believe the downward spiral of our country is irreversible, to know that an option to preserve their values does exist,” Mr. MacKinnon wrote.

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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