- Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Identity theft is generally defined as using someone else’s identity for your own gain.

Does Democratic Senate candidate Michelle Nunn have an identity theft problem?

She is running for the Georgia Senate seat being vacated by Saxby Chambliss. Her opponent is Republican David Perdue. The Georgia Senate race is expected to be one of the closest races in the nation this year, and Real Clear Politics has this race as a tie, which isn’t good news for Mr. Perdue. As a Republican, he needs to come up with more votes than the Democrat but he also needs to move the race out of the margin of fraud. The margin of fraud is the number of Democrat votes that are miraculously discovered every time a Democratic candidate comes up just a few votes short in an election.

Mr. Perdue has tied Ms. Nunn to Barack Obama and his policies. President Obama is very unpopular in very Republican Georgia. Mr. Perdue has even run ads juxtaposing Ms. Nunn’s photo with Mr. Obama’s photo.

Mr. Nunn has tried to portray herself as a “moderate, independent” Democrat. Everyone knows that is a work of fiction. There is no such thing.

Democrats use that in the hopes that gullible, low-information voters will buy it. People like Virginia Sen. Mark Warner use that line to hide the fact that they vote with Mr. Obama 99 percent of the time.

Ms. Nunn has countered Mr. Perdue’s ad with an ad of her own. In fact, she has done two ads and in both ads she features a photo of her with former President George H.W. Bush.

The Bush family is not happy about this. Mr. Bush has endorsed Mr. Perdue and has twice asked Ms. Nunn not to use his photo in her ads. The photo certainly implies some endorsement or support when there is none.

Lying is nothing new to liberal Democrats. In fact, much of Ms. Nunn’s campaign is based on, if not lying, at least creative advertising. In a document that was leaked in July, Democratic strategists fretted about how they would change a woman who was raised in the D.C. Beltway into a woman from Georgia.

Ignoring inconvenient facts is another area liberals excel at and Ms. Nunn is no different. When she was the CEO of the Points of Light Foundation, that foundation gave money to Islamic World Relief, which is tied to the terrorist group Hamas.

Democrats have viewed Georgia as their best chance for a pick up in this Senate election cycle. Republicans also view Georgia as equally crucial in their bid to take control of the Senate.

Georgia voters need to be asking themselves a lot of questions about Ms. Nunn.

Perhaps the first question that should be asked is if she is such a good candidate, why does she have to take Mr. Bush’s photo and use it over his objections?

If identity theft is misusing someone else’s identity for your own gain, this would seem like a solid case of political identity theft.

If this is indeed political identity theft, Georgia voters should ask, why do we need to vote for a thief?

Aren’t there enough of them in Congress already?

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