- The Washington Times - Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Anthony Weiner, the disgraced sexting lawmaker who lost his New York City mayoral bid, admits that he’s probably seen his last political office days, but says he’s fine with that — he’s committed to being the best “house-husband” he can be.

“I mean, realistically, my political career is probably over,” he said, Politico reported. “The only job I ever wanted more than Congress was mayor, and I don’t think that either of those two jobs are going to be available. So no, it’s not like, ’OK, how do I get back in?’ I’m not thinking that anymore. I think I kind of took my stab at that.”

Mr. Weiner fell hard in the Democratic primary for mayor 13 months ago — and that was after a very public fall from political grace due to his repeated sexting scandals.

Since, he’s taken a back seat on the public arena front to his wife, Huma Abedin, who’s one of presumptive presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s key aides, resurfacing only with a handful of penned opinion pieces for a couple of newspapers, and for a couple of appearances on NY1 and HBO’s “Real Time With Bill Maher.”

Of his media appearances, he said he still has “an itch to scratch of having ideas about things and wanting to talk about them,” Politico reported. But he’s not planning a career in media.

He did tell Politico other projects “are in the works,” but he failed to provide details.

Meanwhile, he said he’s “trying to do anything I can to help be a good house-husband,” Politico reported.

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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