- Monday, October 13, 2014

Milton Wolf is one of the unexplainable political figures of 2014. He is a doctor in Kansas and his primary claim to fame, to this point, was that he is Barack Obama’s second cousin.

Mr. Wolf decided he wanted to primary sitting Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts. There is nothing wrong with that. It is his right to present an alternative vision to the people of Kansas and politicians, even good politicians, should not feel too secure in their positions.

Inexplicably, Mr. Wolf was picked up by the so-called “Conservative Establishment.” While these big name, faux conservative groups were attacking one of the most conservative Republican Senators, they were taking a pass on vulnerable liberal Republican senators like Lindsay Graham in South Carolina and Lamar Alexander in Tennessee.

In August, Mr. Wolf and Mr. Roberts went head to head in the primary and Mr. Wolf lost. It wasn’t a blowout loss, but it wasn’t close either.

After the primary is when the fun began. The Democrats had picked their sacrificial lamb candidate. Chad Taylor was going to take one for the team. But instead, in a surprise move he withdrew from the race. This opened the door for Democrat-turned-Independent millionaire Greg Orman.

Mr. Orman, in his political life, has run for the Senate in 2008 as a Democrat. He has contributed to Harry Reid, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

A few weeks ago, word leaked out about a “secret” meeting that was supposed to happen between Mr. Orman and Mr. Wolf. The arrangement to be discussed was that Mr. Wolf would agree to endorse Mr. Orman if Mr. Orman would agree to caucus with the Republicans if he were elected.

Word leaked out about the meeting and it was cancelled. Since then, Mr. Wolf has pointedly refused to endorse Pat Roberts.

Mr. Orman is significantly left of center. He believes in man-made global warming. He won’t support repealing Obamacare. He supports amnesty and is pro-abortion.

In short, he will fit right in with the Democratic Party.

Mr. Orman has refused to say which party he would caucus with if he is elected. However given his past political contributions, and his current benefactors who include George Soros and Michael Bloomberg, it is hard to believe he would caucus with the Republicans.

More importantly, if Mr. Orman were elected, he would be another solidly liberal vote in the Senate.  Mr. Orman, even if he caucused with the Republicans, would be a liberal replacing a solidly conservative Senator.

The Kansas race is tight and Mr. Roberts is in danger of losing his seat.  Mr. Wolf could help. A number of his followers have indicated they will sit the Senate race out rather than vote for Mr. Roberts.

If there was ever a definition of insanity, this is it.  Mr. Wolf is essentially encouraging his supporters to allow a pro-Obama liberal take the Senate seat now held by a conservative.

The tea party belongs to neither the Democrats nor the Republicans. The tea party maintains a leaderless structure. The tea party came into being to protest the insane spending of the Obama regime and the insane spending that had gone on before the Obama regime came into the White House. The tea party wants to see conservatives in the government who will cut spending, reduce government and expand freedom.

Mr. Roberts may not be perfect but he is a lot better than Mr. Orman.

If Mr. Wolf is willing to sit on the sidelines and allow a liberal to win a conservative seat, then he is not a part of this movement.  Mr. Orman opposes everything the Tea Party stands for.

If Mr. Wolf is willing to aid him by action or inaction, then he is not a part of the Tea Party.

And if that is the case, it is time for the tea party to disown Mr. Wolf.

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