- Wednesday, October 1, 2014

In the 1950s, President Eisenhower responded to a question about contraceptives by saying he couldn’t think of anything further from the business of the federal government. Now Suzanne Fields writes happily that Republicans have “one-downed” Democrats by proposing that contraceptives be sold without a prescription to undercut Democrats’ phony “war on women” (“War in the Gender Gap evaporates,” Web, Sept. 24).

Democrats say Republicans are waging a “war on women” because the Republican Party is generally pro-life. Democrats, including President Obama, are radically pro-abortion, with close ties to the world’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood. Indeed, Obama said he would shut down the government rather than defund Planned Parenthood, which Republicans tried to do.

Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers have spawned many other evils in addition to the killing of the preborn: sex-selection abortions (killing a female fetus just because she’s female), sex-trafficking (which depends on abortion to keep young females in bondage) and statutory rape, which abortuaries don’t report, leaving sexual perverts free to continue their abuse of young girls.

Democrats reward abortion providers by letting them ignore sanitary, safety and standard-of-care regulations required of all other ambulatory surgical facilities. Examples are Kermit Gosnell’s house of horrors in Philadelphia and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s attempt to ease state regulations in the face of horrendous sanitary and safety violations recorded on inspections of these abortuaries.

The abortion industry, abetted by Democrats, lies to women, claiming that abortion is completely safe. One abortuary in St. Louis has sent 25 women to the hospital by ambulance in the past few years. Late-term abortionist Leroy Carhart of Germantown, Md., and Nebraska has sent eight women to hospitals. One of them died.

In addition, the abortion industry denies that abortion increases the risk of breast cancer, premature birth in subsequent pregnancies, suicide, death and depression, even though the medical evidence for all these consequences is overwhelming.

Democrats sell their souls for political office. They are killing our country.


Silver Spring

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