- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 6, 2014

President Obama summoned his inner Yoda to say, post-Election Day party drubbing and in rather backward grammatical fashion, that no matter how many new Republican faces come to Capitol Hill, he’s not repealing Obamacare.

“On health care, there are certainly some lines I’m going to draw,” he said Wednesday at a White House press conference to respond to the massive Republican wins on both sides of Congress, Newsmax reported. “Repeal of the law, I won’t sign.”

Mr. Obama’s comments come as conservative and tea party activists around the nation — led in part by Sen. Ted Cruz — are looking at the Republican majority as the party’s best chances of rolling back the clock on the federal health care package. Recent polls, too, have shown Obamacare has taken some popularity dings with the American people and that many now wish for a rewind button on the law.

Recognizing these survey findings, Mr. Obama did say he would be amenable to making “responsible changes [to] make it work better,” he said, Newsmax reported. He also added: “There’s no law that has ever been passed that is perfect.”

But Republican leaders may have some different views — and different ideas about what legislative direction that Obamacare should take.

“If I had the ability, obviously I’d get rid of it,” said presumptive incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, in his own news conference about an hour before the president’s, Newsmax reported. “It’s not secret that every one of my members thinks Obamacare was a huge legislative mistake.”

He suggested that an outright repeal may not be feasible, but that Republicans would definitely take a piecemeal approach to dismantle it.

“[We’ll strike at the bits] that are tremendously unpopular with the American people,” Mr. McConnell said, Newsmax reported.

Specifically, he cited the individual mandate and the medical device tax.


• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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