- Monday, November 3, 2014

Today we find out whether or not millions of dollars and countless hours invested in the voter fraud machine will be paying dividends to the Democratic Party.

Nearly every poll shows that the Republicans will take the U.S. Senate in one of the largest rebukes of a sitting president in American history.

However, fair play and a good old-fashioned fight has been replaced by “the ends justify the means” for the modern Democratic Party. Which is why the years of not just turning a blind eye to illegal immigration but encouraging such destructive behavior has been at the forefront on the left.

Sanctuary cities, laws that favor illegals rights over those of U.S. citizens and the creation of a voting system (enforced by this administration) that doesn’t require ID are calculated attempts to rig the system in the favor of the left. You need ID to board an airplane, buy popcorn at a theater with a debit card, heck you needed identification to rent a video (back when we had stores that did such things.)

James O’Keefe with Project Veritas Action, the guy who exposed ACORN and many other abuses of power, has done numerous excellent exposes showing the extent the Democrats are reaching to perpetrate voter fraud on the American public. In one video, numerous campaign workers in North Carolina try to assist an admitted illegal immigrant to vote.

In another video, O’Keefe looks at voter rolls and shows how easy it is to vote as someone else when poll workers are not allowed to ask for ID.

You don’t trust Mr. O’Keefe and don’t want to watch his video videos? OK, then read some of these stories about massive non-citizen voting uncovered in Maryland or the first case of voter fraud confirmed in Rio Arriba, New Mexico, which is the story of a man who went to vote only to find out, someone already voted for him. And while they will “allow” him to cast a provisional ballot, (which they may or may not count) the fraudulent ballot will be counted because, “the fraudulent vote has already gone through a tabulator and cannot be identified or separated from all the legitimate ballots in the machine.” Well  that will teach the cheaters a lesson!

Don’t belive me? Please search for “voter fraud” online, it won’t be hard to find, unless the Daily Koz, Huff Post, MSNBC or other “mainstream” sites are your sources, you’ll be hard pressed to find anything on the subject there.

You would think “journalists” would investigate stolen votes but that isn’t interesting to them, if it helps the left.

Why is it the Democrats think that U.S. citizenship is so cheap as to allow anyone from around the world to vote in our most sacred of processes?

It seems that “the will people” is being replaced by the “will of the sheeple.”

And an even bigger question, Democrat or Republican, why would you support the president or the actions of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, the Justice Department, Nancy Pelousy and the Democratic machine when they encourage non-citizens to vote, stealing the vote away from American citizens who have a right to free and fair elections?

It doesn’t take many votes to change the direction of an election, and care must be taken immediately to ensure the accuracy of our elections.

By the way, isn’t it a magical coincidence that whenever a vote recount occurs, the Democrat magically gains votes? Ask Al Franken of Minnesota, Christine Gregoire of Washington or Al Gore. The list of questionable votes goes on and on and on and on.

Anti-voter ID laws help nobody but the cheaters, moochers and the politicians who benefit. This is the United States Of America, the greatest country God has ever shed his grace upon. We owe it to ourselves and our posterity to do the right thing — not just the most expedient.

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