- The Washington Times - Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Rafael Cruz, preacher and father to Sen. Ted Cruz, said it’s high time that Christians rally to take back the nation from atheists and progressives, but to take heart — God is still in charge.

He specifically drew attention to abortion as problematic in God’s eyes and said in an an interview with Bishop E.W. Jackson that “the blood of 57 million babies is crying out to God,” Raw Story reported. He then said progressives decry the “war on women,” but that abortion is the real assault.

“Fifty-seven million women are walking around with the emotional scars of abortion, that only Jesus can heal,” he said, Raw Story reported. “That’s the real war on women, we need to turn it on them. When they talk to you about the ’right to choose,’ who chooses for that baby? We cannot acquiesce to their rhetoric.”

Mr. Cruz then said Americans, in the end, should have hope.

“God is not finished with America,” he said, the news outlet reported. “You know, God had his hand upon America. America is a very special country. God has used America to evangelize to the world. Through America, we have sent more evangelists to the world than the rest of the nations of the world put together. God has blessed this nation because we have blessed the nation of Israel and the Jewish people.”

Mr. Cruz also said that leaders in the church ought to get more involved in current events.

“We need to be preaching that ’He who does not work, does not eat,’” he said, Raw Story reported. “And we need to be preaching that a dependence society is a society that becomes a slave to government. We live in the land of plenty. … God gave this land to America so this land could become a beacon to the gospel and a just model for the world of what a Christian nation is like. We are losing that witness because we allowing secular humanism to pervade society, to pervade our schools.”

Mr. Cruz said that to “take back society,” more Christians should seek out public offices.

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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