- Friday, November 21, 2014

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) are endorsing President Obama’s amnesty for illegal immigrants, as they endeavor to maintain the fiction that the Democratic Party is aligned with the needs of the black community and maintain their own positions within the political power structure. In reality, the failure of these organizations to examine the repercussions of the Executive Order on the black community is one more piece of evidence that black so-called “leaders” only care about the black community in order to keep the “racist meme” alive.

First and foremost, the average black person’s employment opportunities are jeopardized by the President’s order. According to data compiled by the U.S. Department of Labor, more than 20 percent of black people between the ages of 20 and 24 are unemployed and more than 30 percent of black people between the ages of 18 and 19 are unemployed. These rates have risen to their current level under the Obama administration, while black homeownership rates and median income have also fallen. In many economic segments, the projected 5 million new workers will be competing directly for already scarce employment opportunities leaving a very real possibility that the economic status of blacks will decline further.

However, black leaders on the left continue to paint the actions of Obama on a grand scale. Representative Jim Clyburn (D-SC), the House Assistant Democratic Leader, said, “It is “high time” for Obama to act on his executive amnesty”, and then commented that Obama providing amnesty through Executive Order would place him in “big company” with leaders such as Abraham Lincoln, who “used the executive order to do the Emancipation Proclamation,” and Harry Truman, who “used it to integrate the Armed Services”.

By using a Lincoln comparison, Clyburn is using flawed logic, equating people being forced into the country in chains with people forcing their way into the country by illegally crossing the border or abusing visa privileges. Additionally, the comparison to the elimination of barriers between the races, both of which were American citizens, is also misleading in its failure to note that Obama is not integrating anything with this Order other than illegal behavior with acceptable lawful behavior. Legal immigrants who have navigated the process should be outraged.

This ongoing, grandiose narrative by black leaders meant to woo black constituents into acceptance of the Executive Order and reinforce ties to the Democratic party is insincere and destructive. An article by George E. Curry, Editor-in-Chief of the National Newspaper Publishers Association, called “Time for Black Democrats to Switch Philosophies”, raises questions about blacks’ unwavering loyalty to the Democratic party.

“The Congressional Black Caucus, which bills itself as the conscience of Congress, has behaved as though it was unconscious the last six years, too afraid to even critique the president for fear of facing a backlash in their home districts.”

This “following along” mentality has to stop and accountability has to take its place. There are too many elected representatives who have chosen to disregard their constituents, their community and their promises for the greener pastures of the congressional halls and advisor status to the current administration.

It is time for blacks to critically examine what improvements if any have occurred in our communities over the past six years and hold our representatives accountable to not follow the Democratic party line when the actions taken by this President have the potential for further harm within our communities.

I understand Barack Obama wasn’t elected for the sole purpose of supporting and helping the black community. However, his record clearly shows his priorities; his failure to enact polices and an agenda to energize the economy has impacted the black community in a singular way not felt by other groups. Now, by executive fiat, he is raising employment competition which will almost certainly make the situation worse.

It is urgent. The black community must take a critical look at the behavior of our leaders, the impact on our communities and potential impacts of Executive amnesty and start asking hard questions. Does the Reverend Al Sharpton really believe Executive amnesty is a good thing, or has he just gotten used to his seat at the table with this administration? Do leaders like Shelia Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters and Jim Clyburn focus their decisions on your well-being or the continued power and prestige of their position?

If these leaders do not have our interests in mind and real solutions to the problems faced in our communities, it is time to vote them out and find a new voice.

Wayne Dupree is the CEO and Founder of the WAAR Media Group.

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