- Thursday, November 20, 2014

Their finest hour or their final hour?

Barack Obama has announced executive amnesty. In one stroke, he has destroyed the Constitution and is essentially ruling by decree.

Mr. Obama’s purpose is simple. He knows this action will bring down the American republic. If the amnesty goes unchecked, he knows eventually through the electoral process or through fraud, these people will gain citizenship and will give the Democrats a permanent majority. He knows this will transform America into a Third World socialist nation.

He knows if this amnesty goes unchecked, it will bankrupt America. A flood of millions of now legalized illegals will crush middle class wages. The now legalized illegals, many of whom only have limited educations, will be competing with Americans for jobs. Millions will be signed up for Obamacare and all forms of public assistance.

The cost of that will break the American taxpayer.

For the Republicans, this will stand as either their finest hour or their final hour.

The Republicans are being typically Republican. They are divided and confused. Some, like Ted Cruz, are leading the opposition to this insanity.

Other Republicans are not so good.

Kentucky’s Hal Rogers, a certified member of the larcenous class, is doing everything he can to help Mr. Obama. General Dynamics, the defense contractor, is in line to produce all of the documents and ID cards needed for amnesty. Those cards and documents will be printed in Mr. Rogers’ district.

One of the dirty secrets the Republican Party does not want the general public to know is that many Republicans are secretly happy with what Mr. Obama is doing. They have a simple strategy. They want the amnesty issue off the table by 2016 so that Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney or whoever the great RINO hope is will not have to fight the conservative base on that issue.

Republicans long ago learned the trick of doing nothing but appearing to do something. Former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was a master of this. He is the reason why the House of Representatives voted more than 50 times to repeal Obamacare. He knew those votes were meaningless but the Republican congressmen could go home and claim they were doing something.

The Republicans in Congress have a choice. They can do something or sit back and cede the power of the republic to a man who would be a dictator.

Rep. Steve King, usually a good fighter, wants to censure Mr.  Obama.

Oh wow. Mr. Obama is shaking in his Hawaiian flower shirt. Mr. Obama is willing to totally ignore the U.S. Constitution, the law and almost 250 years of history to try and bring down the American republic and Mr. King seriously thinks being “censured” is going to bother him?

Congress does have the power of the purse. Mr. Rogers, Kentucky Kleptocrat, has tried to protect the Obama Regime by claiming the Customs and Immigration Service cannot be defunded. Perhaps he is right on that, but Congress retains the authority to tell any government agency how it may or may not spend money.

For Republicans, this issue is crucial. Ignore the issue of the demographic shift that Mr. Obama hopes to push through; the conservative base is fed up and will not stand for inaction.

The coming few weeks will dictate the future of America and the future of the Republican Party.

If the GOP stands against amnesty and blocks it, the conservative base will energetically flock back. It will be the GOP’s finest hour.

If they do nothing or aid and abet Mr. Obama, there will be a far different end. Conservatives will walk.

It will be the GOP’s final hour.

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