- The Washington Times - Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ready for Jim? We’re talking Jim Webb here — said to be a populist, centrist Democrat with a rollicking resume, and one who just might transcend the dreaded campaign fundraising challenge. He’s formed the first exploratory committee among the pack of potential presidential hopefuls, and has some spectacle to provide weary voters. It was not generated by a focus group. Mr. Webb’s political action committee is called “Born Fighting,” for example. The former U.S. senator from Virginia was also a U.S. Marine company commander in Vietnam who was awarded the Navy Cross, the Silver Star, two Bronze Stars and two Purple Hearts. Then he went to law school. Then he became a counsel to Congress, a Harvard University scholar, an assistant secretary of defense, Secretary of the Navy, an Emmy-award winning journalist, a film-maker, and the author of ten books — the last of which was titled “I Hear My Country Calling”, and published in May.

Mr. Webb is eager to share his Scots-Irish pedigree; his ancestors arrived in America in the 1700s and he’s unapologetic about the family’s “strong citizen-soldier military tradition that predates the Revolutionary War.” His dad looms large: Mr. Webb says his father flew bombers during World War II and cargo planes during the Berlin Airlift. Interesting resume, and it gets more interesting. The potential White House hopeful has also been a professor at the Naval Academy — his alma mater — and a Hollywood screenwriter whose original story “Rules of Engagement” was a snappy box office hit at one point.

“Mr. Webb has six children and lives in Northern Virginia with his wife, Hong Le Webb. He speaks Vietnamese and has done extensive pro bono work with the Vietnamese community dating from the late 1970s,” his official bio notes.

Yes, all interesting. This background could create buzzworthy dynamics on the campaign trail and the debate podium, and pique the curiosity of voters who claim they want new alternatives. Will it attract major donors as well? Maybe. Mr. Webb’s biggest challenge is preserving his personal authenticity while meeting the broad requirements of a presidential job description that will require him to sell the Democratic Party, balance the books and protect the nation.


Add the American Conservative Union to the list of organizations condemning White House plans for illegal immigrants.

SEE ALSO: Obama immigration action headed for the courts

“President Obama’s Executive Order is like a royal decree giving legal status to millions of people who came here and reside here illegally. The president is showing utter contempt for the American voter, the Constitution, the separation of powers and all those who follow the law. It is appalling that a president of the United States, after having suffered a humiliating defeat in the midterm elections and getting a clear vote of no confidence, would give the voters a single-finger salute of contempt,” declares Matt Schlapp, chairman or the group.

He’s not done yet.

“President Obama is a president who leads from behind. Now, he will roil the country in a constitutional crisis instead of working with the opposition party and doing the hard work. Today, President Barack Obama cemented his fate as a two-term Jimmy Carter,” Mr. Schlapp concludes.


The 2.4 million members of the American Legion have spoken. The nation’s largest veterans service organization now questions the wisdom of the White House “putting politics above national security” via President Obama’s aggressive executive order to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants.

“At a time when ISIS, al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations are killing innocent Americans, it makes no sense to let our guard down and send a message that the United States is an open, soft target,” says national commander Michael D. Helm. “A message was sent during the recent elections, and it clearly wasn’t that Americans want amnesty. The American Legion urges the president in the strongest possible terms to put our security, and our citizens’ interests and wishes, ahead of providing amnesty for millions of immigrants here illegally.”

Mr. Helm supports legal immigration, calling those that go the distance “patriotic”, with much to contribute.

“The United States has benefited enormously from citizens who have obeyed the law in the journey to becoming Americans,” he says. “Rewarding illegal immigration is a slap in the face to those who have obeyed the law and patiently went through the process.”


Well, he lost his bid to unseat New Hampshire Sen. Jeanne Shaheen. But now Scott Brown has won renewed attention from Fox News, where he was a contributor in the year prior to his campaign, earning $136,000. Mr. Brown, who was once a male centerfold in a ladies magazine, will reappear on Tuesday as the designated “One Lucky Guy” on “Outnumbered”, the noontime talk show showcasing four women panelists.

“Brown’s decision to rejoin the cable news station is no surprise. The former senator left his Fox News gig and his job with the Boston law firm Nixon Peabody to campaign in New Hampshire, so he does need a job,” says Gayle Fee, the Boston Herald columnist who first became privy to the news. “The gig also keeps him in the public eye and on the radar should he decide that his political career isn’t over.”


The White House prom isn’t for another five months. But the main entertainment has already been hired for the White House Correspondents Dinner next spring which provides several thousand journalists, celebrities, politicians, operatives and hangers-on an opportunity to be collectively important. Or something. Saturday Night Live comedian Cecily Strong will host the 2015 event.

“Her political humor is sly and edgy, and it comes with a Chicago accent,” notes Christi Parsons, president of the organization.


For sale: Colonial-style farmhouse built in 1813, Fort Plain, New York; six bathrooms, two baths, 4,000 square feet on 19 acres. Sunroom, double living room, maple flooring, cherrywood cabinetry, decorative faux painting, wrought iron window covers, “eyebrow” windows, circular drive, two enclosed porches; barn with silo, 5-car garage, cattle shed, pond, stream with spring, hay meadow and pasture. In same family for 200 years; “This home has been cared-for more than updated.”

Priced at $179,000 through VinyardsChoice.com (Property No. 1017, “Country Living” section under Listing heading.


56 percent of Americans want Republicans in Congress to take the lead role in setting national policy; 33 percent want President Obama to take that role.

56 percent say it is not likely Republicans will compromise with President Obama to get things done.

53 percent have positive feelings about the midterm elections results.

46 percent worry that Mr. Obama will not make enough “adjustments” in policy to suit voters.

44 percent are concerned Republicans will go “too far” in a direction unpopular with voters.

40 percent say the amount the White House and Congress work together will not change.

32 percent have less confidence the two sides will work together; 26 percent have more confidence.

Source: An NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey of 1,000 U.S. adults conducted Nov. 14-17.

Yays, yeas, nays and neighs to jharper@washingtontimes.com.

• Jennifer Harper can be reached at jharper@washingtontimes.com.

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