- Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III stuck to his talking points as he met with the media Wednesday. A selection of his responses as controversy swirls around the 3-7 team and its quarterback:

On changing his preparation for games:

“Jay [Gruden] wants me to play better. I want to play better. We’re focused on San Francisco and making that happen, so that’s all I’ve got to say about that.”

On not saying much publicly:

“Yeah, man. Like I said, we’re focused on San Francisco, so that’s all we’ve got.”

On what changes he thinks he needs to make after watching film from the Tampa Bay game:

SEE ALSO: Redskins’ Robert Griffin III only ‘focused on San Francisco’

“Everything, man. Like I said, Jay wants me to play better. I want to play better. We want to win. That’s all we’re focused on — getting the win. We’ve got San Francisco coming up. They’re not going to make it easy.”

On his footwork:

“Yeah, man. You know, like I said, just focused on San Francisco now.”

On how much his ankle injury has impeded his development:

“Oh, man. You know, I’ve only been able to play a couple games, but we’ve got another one coming up and that’s all we’re promised. We’re just focused on San Francisco and doing what I can to help this team win.”

On changing his work habits:

“Focusing on San Francisco, man. Not letting anything on the outside distract us from that. We’ve got to take care of what we’ve got to take care of. We’ve got enough to worry about here in these doors.”

On Gruden’s point that he looks a lot different from his rookie year:

“Like I said, man, focused on San Francisco. I’m on my second offense in the league and just trying to hammer everything down and get better at my craft like Coach wants me to.”

On improvements he can make:

“Ah, yeah. Like I said, focused on San Francisco, man. That’s all I can do.”

On where he turns for emotional support:

“Yeah, you always lean on God. You always lean on your family, your teammates. That’s what I’ve done. We’re all pointing towards the same thing. We want to get a win against San Francisco.”

On possibly changing his preparation:

“Just preparing for San Francisco, man. That’s all I can do.”

On being himself:

“Hey, you know, it is what it is. You get what you ask for. I’m focused on San Francisco. Jay wants me to be focused on San Francisco. That’s what I’m gonna do.”

On support from his teammates:

“Yeah, I mean, you’ve got to talk to them, but you know, a large majority of the locker room has come to me and talked to me. That’s great. We’re all focused on the same thing — winning, staying together and beating San Francisco.”

On 49ers QB Colin Kaepernick:

“Yeah, I mean, they have a great team. We’re trying to build toward that, and that’s our only focus.”

On the 49ers’ defense:

“Yeah, a very tough defense. They make you earn every single thing that you give. They don’t give up a lot of big plays, and they play with passion, so we’re going to have to match that. We’re going into their house, and they’re not going to make it easy for us.”

On some improvements he’s made during the season:

“Yeah, I mean, like I said, we both want to win. He wants me to play better. I want to play better. That’s what we’re focused on.”

On Gruden making public criticisms of his performance:

“Yeah, my job is to focus on what I can focus on and what I can control as well. Like I said, Jay wants me to play better, and I’m just focused on getting better at my craft. I’m not worried about anything else.”

On clarifying his comments from Sunday about the team playing better:

“No, I mean, I already said it via the power of social media, so there’s no point in me saying it again here and bringing the topic back up. I said what I had to say and I addressed it with the team. We’re all the same page.”

On thinking he can play better Sunday against San Francisco:

“Yeah, I mean, I have an extreme confidence that’s going to happen. That’s our only focus, and like I said, we’re not gonna act like a 3-7 football team. We’re gonna go out there and push forward and push toward the future.”

On being coached by Gruden to say nothing during the press conference:

“No. He just wanted me to focus on me, and I’m going to do that to the best of my ability. I’m a quarterback, man. I’ve got to help this team win.”

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