- The Washington Times - Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Republican members of Congress have been pressed by high-ranking business and political players to step into the immigration debate, take control and become the “problem-solver” for the nation.

In a letter to Republican members of Congress, several prominent supporters said it’s high time members act to stave off the “rising tide of illegal immigration, while fixing the unnecessary obstacles that send talented individuals elsewhere.”

The letter is published in a special immigration section of The Washington Times, along with several opinion pieces penned by the key Republican leaders, from Dr. Ben Carson to Sen. Rand Paul.

The letter also states: “[Republicans should] welcome immigrants who want to come here and contribute to our economy … Inaction on this issue is not good policy. If the only legislation our Party has recently advanced on immigration is viewed as anti-immigration or not immigrant-friendly, we stand to alienate troves of voters who otherwise agree with our principles.”

Among the signers: Al Cardenas, the former chairman of the American Conservative Union; Donald Evans, 34th Secretary of Commerce; Lane Beattie, president and CEO of Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce; Pepe Fanjul Jr of Florida Crystals Corp.; John Fluke Jr., chairman of Fluke Capital Management, L.P.; and Charles Foster, chairman of Foster LLP.


SPECIAL COVERAGE: Immigration: Conservative and economic solutions to act now

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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