- The Washington Times - Monday, November 17, 2014

Former White House hopeful Mitt Romney had a blunt message for the commander-in-chief, telling a nationally televised audience that President Obama would be best served if he realized his party’s Election Day disaster had in fact been a commentary on his leadership.

Mr. Romney’s message, on “Face the Nation” on CBS: “The president has got to learn that he lost this last election round,” Mediaite reported.

The former Massachusetts governor made the remarks in context of discussing the Mr. Obama’s stated intent to take executive action on immigration and bypass Congress to grant amnesty to millions of illegals in the nation.

Mr. Romney reminded that the midterms — which heralded in Republican control of the Senate, and handed the GOP both sides of Congress — were the voters’ way of saying: The current White House isn’t working, Mediaite reported.

“My advice to Democrats and the president: Take a breath,” he said in the CBS video. “The president said he was not on the ballot … but that his policies were. And Americans sent a very clear message to the president about his policies — they’re not happy.”

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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