- Monday, November 17, 2014

Sen. Mary L. Landrieu, Louisiana Democrat, is now introducing a bill in favor of the Keystone XL oil pipeline (“John Thune: Keystone pipeline vote ’cynical,’ meant to aid Mary Landrieu’s re-election,” Web, Nov. 16). Prior to this, however, she has sided with the White House. It’s no coincidence that she is up for re-election next month.

Warren Buffett is a major contributor to President Obama and the Democratic Party. Mr. Buffett’s company, Berkshire Hathaway, controls the great majority of railroads in the Northwest, along the Canadian border and west of the Mississippi River. Currently, the oil must be transported by rail. If the pipeline goes through, Mr. Buffett’s company stands to lose $2 billion a year. That is two columns of $50 bills stacked 110 feet higher than the Washington Monument, or about 660 feet tall.

Mrs. Landrieu is blowing smoke at her constituents. She wants to look the part and then have the greatest excuse when her buddy Mr. Obama has to veto the bill to protect Mr. Buffett. She must complete the exercise prior to the new Republican-controlled Congress taking over in January. We should check the feet of most politicians on the Hill, because most of them are so crooked I bet they have to screw their shoes on.

In addition, MIT economist and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber stated several times that Mr. Obama and Congress had to lie about Obamacare so that the “stupid” voters would accept it. Since only Democrats voted for the bill, does that mean all those Democrats are stupid, too? All voters should be upset about Obamacare because with it we are subject to taxation without representation.


Yuma, Ariz.

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