- Thursday, November 13, 2014

The naked, shameless admission by a former Obama regime operative who characterized voters as “stupid” in crafting the lie to sell Obamacare is beyond disreputable, deserving repudiation and condemnation by all citizens, regardless of political affiliation (“Obamacare’s Jonathan Gruber caught on second tape calling voters ’too stupid,’” Web, Nov. 12).

The Supreme Court of the United States should be outraged at this conduct to the point of revisiting their ruling that upheld the Obamacare funding mechanism of taxation. MIT economist and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber admitted that the administration deliberately lied and deceived the Congressional Budget Office and the electorate into thinking that the funding mechanism was not a tax through obfuscation and deliberate wording to obscure the true “process” of how they planned to fund Obamacare. This is a consequential moment for Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and the eight other justices of the court. They have an unsolicited opportunity for a “do-over” in light of this new, credible information that had not been divulged in the original court proceedings. They must seize it.

The federal judiciary needn’t worry about whether it has the constitutional prerogative to recall and revisit this case, because President Obama has never let the Constitution stand in his way in “legislating” from the Oval Office by executive order. This is not a political issue, but one of public ethics and the trust of elected officials, and it demands the highest deference for the Constitution and regard for the American people. Chief Justice Roberts and this court must act now or they will forever be seen as willing puppets of the corrupt ruling class, turning their backs on their fellow citizens by ignoring the purposeful and willful fraud committed against us.

The country needs the voice of the court to reject any government and president who deceive the citizens. You, justices of the Supreme Court, have the power to give the people that voice. Will you nine men and women rise now to do your duty and return the country to the rule of law or will your continue to shirk that duty and allow the republic to devolve further into lawless anarchy through the precedents established by Mr. Obama and this administration?


Virginia Beach

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