- Sunday, May 4, 2014

House Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor has called for a special prosecutor for the IRS scandal.

Mr. Cantor is leading the House Republicans in voting for a resolution calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a special prosecutor.

The chances of Mr. Holder appointing a special prosecutor to look into the crimes committed by the Obama regime in the IRS targeting of the tea party are about the same chances that Mr. Cantor will win the lottery this week.

But the purpose of that resolution is not to get a special prosecutor appointed. The cold hard truth is that Mr. Cantor doesn’t care. He sees the tea party as much of a threat to him as it is to Mr. Holder.

The purpose of the resolution is so House Republicans can go home to their local tea party groups and tell them, “See we voted for a special prosecutor, but that evil Harry Reid killed it.”

This resolution will be as successful as Mr. Cantor’s 50-plus resolutions to repeal Obamacare.

This is the classic Kabuki theater that has become the norm in Washington. Politicians vote for resolutions they know will never see the light of day but they can go to their states and tell the folks at home, “Look what I voted for!”

Republican senators may be the worst at this game. Most business in the Senate can be held up with a filibuster, requiring 60 votes for cloture. If cloture is not approved, the Senate cannot move forward to a vote. Republican senators have learned the trick of voting for cloture to allow the vote to go forward then voting no on the vote, when it doesn’t matter.

Those senators can then go home and say, “See I voted against (fill in the blank!).” The truth is, when their vote really mattered, they sold out.

Perhaps the greatest Kabuki actor right now is House Speaker John Boehner. Over the last few weeks, his desire to pass amnesty legislation was leaked, putting him on the defensive. After months of opposing a Select Committee to investigate the attack in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, suddenly he changed his mind.

Suddenly he now wants that select committee to investigate the Obama Regime and their cover up of the events on and after September 11, 2012.

Perhaps Mr. Boehner is taking the lead from Frank Underwood, who advised, “When you’re fresh meat, kill and throw them something fresher.”

The Republican Party has become far too comfortable with the ways of Washington. It has forgotten its grass roots base

The GOP believes it can lie with impunity. If the tea party is to change Washington, the first thing that must happen is Republicans who will tell the truth and stand on principle must be elected.

The grass roots must force an end to Kabuki theater of lies and deception that is that House of Cards we call Washington.

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