- The Washington Times - Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Justice Department is being sued by a legal watchdog on behalf of one of the Fast and Furious whistle-blowers.

Judicial Watch announced in a press release on Thursday that it would seek communications between former DOJ Public Affairs Director Tracy Schmaler — who resigned in March 2013 — and “Fortune” magazine author Katherine Eban on behalf of Special Agent John Dodson.

On September 24, 2012, Agent Dodson filed three FOIA requests pertaining to the gunrunning scandal but has yet to receive a response from the Justice Department. He believes information about him was leaked by Schmaler to Eban, including his confidential personnel file.

Judicial Watch’s press release states that it seeks the following through its lawsuit.

• Any and all emails between (either directed to or received from) DOJ Spokeswoman/Director of Public Affairs Tracy Schmaler and Katherine Eban between the dates of January 20, 2011, and September 24, 2012.

• All emails (sent and received) by DOJ Spokeswoman/Director of Public Affairs Tracy Schmaler that contain the name John Dodson, Dodson or make reference to any ATF whistleblower (whether directly stated or implied) between the dates of January 20, 2011, and September 24, 2012.

• All Department of Justice communications generated between January 20, 2010, and September 24, 2012, including, but not limited to, emails, internal memos, letters, drafts, recordings and other documents which refer to me (Special Agent John Dodson), whether by name or implication or make reference to me as an ATF whistleblower, whether directly stated or implied. Excluded from this request are my own ATF case files, case documents and emails from my ATF/DOJ email account.

Mr. Dodson was the first ATF special agent to go public with allegations that his supervisors had authorized the flow of weapons into Mexico as part of the failed Fast and Furious gun-walking operation, Judicial Watch reported.

“It is clear that John Dodson was smeared by DOJ officials for having the courage to be the first whistleblower in the Fast and Furious scandal,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in the organization’s press release. “And it is equally clear that those who attacked him have gone unpunished despite the disciplinary provisions of the Whistleblower Protection Act. Perhaps once we have the complete records of Ms. Schmaler’s actions, the Office of Special Counsel will do its job, and we will finally see justice prevail.”

• Douglas Ernst can be reached at dernst@washingtontimes.com.

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