I think that New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has eliminated any chance of becoming the Republican 2016 presidential candidate with his slap in the face of Republicans; namely, his recent nomination of New Jersey’s liberal Chief Justice Stuart Rabner for long-term tenure (“Christie supports chief justice in deal with Dems,” Web, May 21).
This is the cherry on top of Mr. Christie’s previous statement in regard to the appointment of a radical Muslim to a Superior Court judgeship: “This Shariah law business is just crap … and I’m tired of dealing with the crazies.”
I am one of those “crazies,” and I would never vote for Mr. Christie, even if he were to be the GOP candidate. What he has just shown is that there really is not much difference between him and President Obama. Maybe some of Mr. Obama’s politics rubbed off during their post-Hurricane Sandy hug, because I really do not see much difference between the two. The only exception may be that Mr. Obama plays a lot more golf than Mr. Christie.
Port Orchard, Wash.
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