- The Washington Times - Monday, May 26, 2014

A children’s show on Hamas television that was just criticized for a bumblebee character that enticed watchers to shoot Jews has a new broadcast out that’s causing angst — a little girl who recites a poem from memory and references the need to buy a bullet, no matter what it takes.

The Middle East Media Research Institute reported that the “Pioneers of Tomorrow” episode was broadcast on the anniversary of the day many Palestinians views as the “catastrophe” of the founding of the state of Israel, in 1948.

The girl, Zahra, around the age of 5 or 6, recited the poem in dramatic fashion, using her hands and fingers to symbolize the words: “I shall walk barefoot. I shall walk in the pouring rain. Through thorns, despite the fire. Despite the pay. … I shall buy a bullet at any price,” The Blaze reported.

She then went on to say, in reference to Israel: “They dispersed my family. They ripped apart my books. And they stole my smile. Between me and them, there are wars and bloodshed. So I shall buy a bullet, at any price. I shall buy a bullet, at any price.”

MEMRI also reported that a previous show on the station displayed a Mickey Mouse-type character who performed a skit that put forth the “answer” to Israel “is an AK-47.”

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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