- The Washington Times - Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Only one person successfully enrolled in Obamacare on its first day of business, a nonprofit government watchdog group found via documents obtained from a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

Judicial Watch issued a 106-page report based on the documents it received after suing the Department of Health and Human Services — a case initiated to find out just how badly the enrollment process went.

The report found how there were 43,208 accounts created on day one of Obamacare, but only one that was successfully completed. And that just shows how bug-ridden and convoluted the enrollment process was, despite the White House mantra that all was smooth sailing, the watchdog said.

The organization also pointed out that the documents contain some conflicting reports. One senior adviser at the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight sent an email on Oct. 1 saying that there were actually two enrollees. But the one-enrollee success story is the only one that made the final cut in the HHS report.

Judicial Watch said it’s possible that the conflicting information is due to the fact the second applicant may have actually enrolled over the phone, in the “Call Center” option.

Nevertheless, the group said the documents show that 48 percent of enrollee hopefuls failed in their efforts on day two of Obamacare, due to crashing websites. And enrollment challenges went on for some time, in contrast to what the White House often said, Judicial Watch reported.

“The Obama administration tried to cover this up,” said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton. “Imagine what would have happened to Obamacare if the American people knew only one person was able to enroll on its first day? What other Obamacare failures is President Obama hiding?”

• Cheryl K. Chumley can be reached at cchumley@washingtontimes.com.

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