- The Washington Times - Thursday, May 15, 2014

Voter vexation with elected officials is the worst on record according to a new Gallup poll revealing that 72 percent of registered voters say most members of Congress do not deserve re-election. That’s the lowest approval of Congress the pollster has measured in an election year.

But wait. Now on the political landscape, and a timely launch it is: here comes the Centrist Project Voice,the first political action committee supporting candidates poised to set aside partisan politics and focus on the core issues of critical importance to all Americans.

The unusual dynamic: they promote centrist candidates regardless of their party affiliation.

“Most Americans are moderates, yet we are represented by officials who pander to the extremes of the electorate and put partisan politics ahead of what’s best for our country as a whole,” said Centrist Project founder Charles Wheelan, an author and policy fellow at Dartmouth College.

The PAC’s first endorsement is Larry Pressler who served three terms as a Republican senator from South Dakota. It is not without some rambunctious talk.

“Like us, he has watched Congress become completely dysfunctional. He is now fighting to reclaim his seat as an Independent so that he can support good policy solutions from both sides of the aisle,” says Mr. Whelan.

“I am running as an Independent to help end the poisonous fighting between Republicans and Democrats that has paralyzed Congress. It is incredibly difficult to run as an independent,” Mr. Pressler observes, citing “special interest money” which he says goes exclusively to Republicans and Democrats.

See their big doings here: Centristproject.org

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