- Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I can’t help it. I think Alec Baldwin is a great actor. 

Some of his performances in “30 Rock”, if I’m honest, were nothing short of genius. 

To me, however, that just proves a point, the relationship between emotion and liberalism. To be a truly great actor, one has to strip away all reason and logic.  This is why in acting class, students are told to “act like an omelet” or something just as silly.  It’s not that you can be an omelet, but you are learning to remove the logical side of your brain that tells you, “what a stupid thing, I’m not an omelet!” 

This is what the great actors are able to do better than anyone. They can “feel” like the character they’re playing. it’s how they “become” that person.  It’s an excellent practice for TV, movies and plays. 

The problems start when these shells of human beings are taken serious for deep political thought. 

Think about some of the great actors, Marlon Brando … nutty.  Sean Penn… kooky! (although I will give him credit for his work in Haiti, not just money but the dude moved down there… ) and Alec Baldwin… Unhinged! 

Which brings me to the sad news this week, as Mr.  Baldwin ran afoul of the law in New York City.  His offense was kind of stupid, riding his bike the wrong way down a one-way street.  I think they should have let that slide with a warning but then, when the police asked him for ID, he got all lippy and was then slapped with a disorderly conduct charge, too. 

It turns out he wasn’t even carrying any ID.  I can just imagine him yelling, “Don’t you know who I think I am!” at the cops as they wrote out his summons.  He actually did criticize the arresting officers for being too young to recognize his pretty, famous face when he got to HQ.

After the encounter, Mr. Baldwin took to Twitter and said, “New York City is a mismanaged carnival of stupidity that is desperate for revenue and anxious to criminalize behavior once thought benign.”  Okay, he’s right right about that. 

The thing is, we’re all drowning in this atmosphere of criminalization and thought control.  Big celebrities and high-rolling politicians think you should fall in line and they should be immune. 

Mr. Baldwin’s list of outrageous behavior is really too long to fully list here, but it includes calling his own daughter a “piggy”, allegedly attacking his ex-wife, photographers, journalists and allegedly random people on the street.  He made threatening statements about the vice president of the United States on national TV.  He’s used anti-gay and racist slurs in his diatribes that cost him jobs with MSNBC and Capital One Bank.  He thought he could skate away from those incidents by offering simple apologies, because he’s a liberal.  He can’t really be a racist or a homophobe, no matter what he says, because he’s got the correct politics, right?

Special exemptions to official rules and cultural understandings for special people are all over the place.  Even when it comes to the supposedly most dire issue of all time, climate change, the people who lecture us about driving less and turning up our thermostats have bigger carbon footprints than Godzilla.  The people who run wind farms have a license to chop bald eagles to bits.  And let’s not even get started on all those special Obamacare exemptions and waivers. 

Everything depends on who you are, which political party you belong to, and what kind of connections you have.  It’s not surprising that Alec Baldwin thought he could ride his bike the wrong way on a one-way street, or that he doesn’t need to carry identification, or that his response to getting busted was “How DARE you!” 

No Alec … your behavior and sense of entitlement is outrageous and borders on insanity.  Mr. Baldwin … How dare YOU!

Why do you think Hollywood is so far to the left? Is it the acting schools, the money, the fame?

Let me know here at the washingtontimes.com and until our next briefing this is The Rusty Humphries Rebellion.

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