- Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Culture challenge of the week: Loss of freedom

Under the extremely liberal and near socialist reign of President Obama, it is easy to blame America’s drifting away from its founding principles on Democrats. But the truth of the matter is that both parties are at fault and have lost their way — especially the Republican Party.

You can see evidence of the loss of American values and freedom everywhere. We have become a “nanny state” marked by big government and outrageously high taxes, and both parties are contributing to the problem.

Government growth and control of the marketplace occurred under the leadership of Republicans before the Obama era at a rate so fast it boggles the mind. Although Mr. Obama and team have America headed at lightning speed toward financial ruin, the Republican establishment has the same destination but is moving at a slower rate.

The truth is, if you are headed to ruin, you are headed to ruin. What does it matter if you are on a rocket or a train if you end up in hell?

I have to give liberal Democrats credit: At least they acknowledge that they want big government and high taxes. The Republican Party, on the other hand, as Richard Viguerie points out in his brilliant new book, “Takeover,” claims to represent freedom and ideas but is making government bigger at a steady pace.

The Grand Old Party has been hijacked by progressives. As a result, many Americans correctly view the Republican Party as a bunch of old guys who complain about the government but offer no solutions other than watered-down versions of the same ideas the Democrats are offering.

Because the Republican Party is at war with itself, it is self-destructing. Mr. Viguerie argues that you can’t beat liberal Democrats in elections and turn around our country until the Republican Party is saved. He is right.

As Mr. Viguerie writes in “Takeover”: “We’ve been focused on defeating the liberal, Big Government Democrats, when the first, and most important, roadblock to our goal of governing America according to conservative principles is the progressive, Big Government Republicans.

“Until we conservatives control the Republican Party and nominate conservative candidates who will actually fight for and govern according to the conservative principles the party stands for, there will be no coherent alternative to the Democrats’ Big Government worldview presented to the voters, and little likelihood that we conservatives will achieve our goal of governing America according to conservative principles.”

How to save your family: Promote freedom

As one of the founders of the modern conservative movement in America, a great political strategist, and a man of integrity and kindness, Mr. Viguerie needs to be heard. He provides the solution much better than I could summarize, so I will use his words to outline the path forward. Here are some of his most pointed statements:

“The greatest impediment to conservative governance is not the Democrats and liberals — it is the progressive leadership of the Big Government Republican establishment in the halls of Congress, state houses, and at Republican headquarters, especially at the Republican National Committee.”

“If we are to save what makes America exceptional, we the people — grassroots conservatives — must lead.”

We must get “limited-government constitutional conservatives to become involved in their local Republican Party organization and, ultimately, to become the leaders of the Republican Party at the local, state, and national levels.”

Mr. Viguerie’s major point is this: If you value freedom, you need to get involved in politics, even if — no, especially if — you hate politics. This includes voting only for true conservatives. If no true conservatives are running for office, fill the gap or motivate others to do the same.

He also reveals a shocking truth about how the Republican Party is run, which is a reason to hope for a better party in the near future: “Half of the Republican precinct committeeman slots, on average, in 2008, in every state, were vacant. And the currently filled slots are split about 50-50 between conservatives and ’Republicans In Name Only.’”

Mr. Viguerie goes on to encourage us: “The more conservatives who become precinct committeemen, the more conservative the party, and its candidates, will become. The Party again might appear to the voters to offer a clear choice from the Democrat Party, rather than an echo of it.”

Get a copy of Richard Viguerie’s book “Takeover: The 100-Year War for the Soul of the GOP and How Conservatives Can Finally Win It.” The chapter titled “Viguerie’s Plan” outlines specific goals, strategies and tactics to help individuals like you change the face of America. To order a copy, go to GopTakeover.org.

You also can instantly download a copy of the free e-book “The Law that Governs Government” by Mr. Viguerie and legal strategist Mark J. Fitzgibbons. It’s a quick read and a terrific primer.

America’s direction can be changed — but only with your help.

Rebecca Hagelin can be reached at rebecca@howtosaveyourfamily.com.

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