- Monday, May 12, 2014

Addressing and solving important problems are not President Obama’s forte. Making climate change the top priority is his new diversion to offset the negatives of Obamacare, Fast and Furious, the Benghazi attacks and the Internal Revenue Service targeting of conservative groups.

The Obama administration has still not cooperated in supplying Congress the documents that were requested. The poor economy, high unemployment, and Iran and North Korea seeking nuclear weapons and threatening their neighbors — these are some of the real high-priority issues. The outrage by Barack and Michelle Obama over the kidnapping of young Nigerian girl students is real, but it belies the fact that the world faces an ever-increasing threat by terrorists and others, such as Syrian President Bashar Assad, who continue to kill, kidnap and torture thousands of innocents. Mr. Obama has not seriously addressed these issues.

The extensive genocide deaths in Rwanda and the Sudan are a reminder of the failure to act. The need to quickly end the current killing of Christians in Egypt and other Arab countries, and the slaughter of innocents in Syria and African countries by Muslim terrorists must be recognized as the top priorities for our president, the United Nations and other world leaders.

Mr. Obama’s priorities for his health care policy, and executive orders and Environmental Protection Agency rules and regulations for his energy policies have constrained growth of the economy and placed excessive burdens on taxpayers. Previously, the United States provided leadership and used its diplomacy and military power to defend against and deter aggression by terrorists and other countries. Not so under Mr. Obama.

This president has put many of our close allies, including Israel, Japan and Eastern European countries, at risk with his foreign policy. We need a stronger military, not a weaker one, and we need an effective leader who will protect our nation, assist our allies and have other countries support the effort to end killing by terrorists and dictators.


Centerville, Mass.

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