- Sunday, May 11, 2014

The White House now thinks that hashtag diplomacy is the way to go. The latest is “#bringbackourgirls.”

The White House published a photo that was dutifully distributed by the slavish drive by media. The photo shows Michelle Obama holding a sheet of paper with the hashtag, “#BringBackOurGirls.”

The hashtag refers to the Nigerian girls kidnapped by the newly declared terrorist group Boko Haram. The group is not new. But despite Hillary Clinton’s best efforts to stop it when she was secretary of state, the group has finally been designated a terrorist group by the United States government.

If Boko Haram had not forbidden humor as being anti-Islamic, they might have laughed themselves to death. Vladimir Putin is no doubt getting a chuckle out of watching what was once the most powerful nation in the world flop about impotently.

If Mr. Putin were to comment about Obama’s Hashtag diplomacy, the word he would probably use is “Jalkee.”

That’s Russian for pathetic.

The Obamas have never done a hashtag or anything else for the Americans killed at Benghazi on September 11, 2012. While they are all a twitter about missing Nigerian girls, they could care less about a missing American.

Warren Weinstein is an American who was working in Pakistan. He was kidnapped by al Qaeda in Pakistan on August 13, 2011. He is believed to being held in the Northwest territories of Pakistan by al Qaeda.

In a few weeks, Mr. Weinstein will turn 73.

The Obama regime has never had a hashtag or, for that matter, any concern for Mr. Weinstein.

An American is kidnapped by al Qaeda and what are the Obamas concerned about? They are concerned about some people who aren’t even Americans!

al Qaeda has released several proof of life videos of Mr. Weinstein, where he begs for help. He appears gaunt and has apparently lost a tooth while in captivity.

Last month, a group called the Citizens Commission on Benghazi released a damning report on the Obama regime. The Committee was made up of former military officers, former CIA insiders and think tank members who said Obama had switched sides in the war on terror and sent $500 million worth of weapons to Al-Qaeda.

This has been the story of the Obama regime since Mr. Obama entered office in 2009. He has pandered to our enemies and ignored our friends. He ignored the plight of our men on the ground in Benghazi and left Americans to die. Then he and his team lied about what really happened because for Mr. Obama, winning reelection was far more important that defending America against terrorists.

On July 3, while most Americans will be preparing to celebrate Independence Day, the Weinstein family will be observing Mr. Weinstein’s 73rd birthday. While the family certainly hopes he will be home by then, given the attitude of the Obama regime towards Americans, it is doubtful.

It may take a new president to actually take some meaningful action to bring him home. That would be in January 2017, and by then, Mr. Weinstein would be 75 years old.

He may not have that much time.

While the White House engages in impotent hashtag diplomacy, perhaps real Americans should be sending their hashtags to the White House Twitter feed.

How about “#bringWarrenWeinsteinhome!”

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